117. A Year of Possibilities
As we embark on this new year, I want you to think about what you really want. Then believe– KNOW– that this is possible. Before setting goals and making progress towards what we want to achieve, we need to really see the possibilities in front of us.
So often, we talk ourselves out of doing what we want to do. I talked myself out of building Educator Forever for years. People will think I’m trying to take teachers away from teaching, I thought. I have a young baby at home, I reasoned. I know nothing about building a business, I told myself.
But there will always be excuses. ALWAYS. And we can always move through them to do the things we want to do. So the first thing I want you to think about is: What do you really want to do?
For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode117.