119: Defy Society’s Norms if You Want to Succeed with Your Health and/or Business – Here’s 5 Ways to Start
We look at our health and our career or business and the common denominator that I hear over and over again is… just tell me what to do and I’ll do it. As women in our 40’s and 50’s, we have demanding schedules, it’s hard to find the bandwidth to have the space to think for ourselves when everyone and everything is screaming at us and we are running from one fire to another.
I’m here to tell you that the second you start to defy society’s norms is the second that you will start to have agency in your life and is the second that you will begin to start seeing success. This is true for your health and your business so let’s jump into 5 ways that you can get started.
Together, we will unpack:
- The 5 ways to defy society's norms and truly start seeing success.
- The key to sustainable growth and how to apply it to your life.
- The two things that separate successful people from those who continue to struggle.
- Why saying "just tell me what to do, and I'll do it" doesn't work.
Mentioned Resources:
▶️ Episode 107: 5 Shifts to Achieve Your Biggest Breakthrough with Your Health
▶️ Join the priority list and be the first to know when Business by Design (BBD) opens up! --> https://www.jameswedmoretraining.com/a/2147507251/hY7YtmUX
Connect with Holly:
▶️ FREE CHALLENGE - BREAK EMOTIONAL EATING 4-DAY CHALLENGE - https://academy.pinkfortitude.com/register-for-break-emotional-eating
▶️ BOOK YOUR FREE DISCOVERY CALL - backtoyou.coach
▶️ FREE QUIZ - WHAT IS YOUR #1 WEIGHT LOSS BLOCK - https://pinkfortitude.mykajabi.com/weight-quiz
▶️ Follow Holly Bertone on Instagram - @holly.bertone
▶️ More resources for Your Midlife Comeback Story - yourcomeback.coach
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Thanks for tuning in to this episode and I'll see you next week!