124. The True Power of Softness and Deepening Connections with Tara Stiles
Today, Dr. Avanti and well-being expert Tara Stiles engage in a profound conversation about the transformative power of softness in both yoga and everyday life. They challenge the societal norms that glorify strength and rigidity, highlighting how softness fosters deeper connections with the self and others, and enhances resilience and well-being. Tara shares personal experiences and her insights from working with thousands of students on integrating softness into practice, revealing its potential to empower and bring ease amidst life's challenges.
Today on The Healing Catalyst:
- Softness as counter to societal norms of strength and rigidity
- Transformation and connection through softness
- Integrating softness into yoga for enhanced movement and mental state
- Community’s role in reinforcing softness practice
- Softness leads to empowerment, resilience amid challenges
- Applying softness beyond yoga for improved lifestyle and relationships
Connect with Tara Stiles:
- Instagram: @tarastiles
- Website: tarastiles.com
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Connect with Dr. Avanti:
- Subscribe, Rate and Review: The Healing Catalyst podcast
- Website: avantikumarsingh.com
- Avanti’s Book: The Health Catalyst
- Instagram: @avantikumarsingh
- Podcast: The Healing Catalyst
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
This show is produced by Soulfire Productions