#13 Steve March: Presence, Attunement & Unfolding
Steve March is the founder of Aletheia (integralunfoldment.com), an ecosystem of courses that support adult development. He is also the creator of Aletheia Coaching, a new coaching paradigm that offers support for unfoldment.
Unfoldment is an antidote to seemingly endless self-improvement projects and offers a way to navigate the complex metacrises we face. Aletheia Coaching is a trauma-sensitive and shame-sensitive approach to coaching. Steve has been a professional coach since 2000, a coach trainer since 2003, and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife Donna Chang.
Aletheia - https://integralunfoldment.com/
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🎥 ICF Mentor Coaching Programs
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🌳 Coaching With & Within Nature (2 Days)
💪 Coaching With Challenge (2 Days)