141. An Invitation for Innovation: Why Creativity Is Found, Not Forced
So you want to lead your team toward innovation. Does that require that you know where you’re going? Not according to Linda Hill.
Hill is a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School whose research focuses on leadership and how organizations achieve innovation. When it comes to generating breakthrough ideas, Hill says it’s less about a creative vision and more about stepping into the unknown. “Innovation [is] not about an individual coming up with a new idea,” she says. “Instead, innovation is the result of the collaboration of people with diverse expertise and diverse perspectives coming together, being able to collaborate, being able to experiment together and learn.”
In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Hill and host Matt Abrahams discuss how leaders can foster cultures and environments where innovation thrives — where teams use communication and collaboration to “co-create the future.”
Episode Reference Links:
- Linda Hill
- Linda's books: Collective Genius / Being the Boss / Becoming a Manager
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