148. AMA: You Are Not A Disappointment!
On this week’s AMA episode, we answer, "
Hi Jamie, lately I've been feeling like I'm disappointing everyone around me in my life. My parents with not being athletic enough (even though I work out), my entire family went to college for athletics, and I only play one sport and I'm only ok at that. I'm also not popular at school and not really that talkative. I feel like I'm also disappointing God by not being a good enough Christian. I really try to ignore the lies the enemy has been telling me continuously but honestly, I can't stop thinking about how I'm talentless and not good at anything. I also have anxiety, and it really hurts me when I start to believe this. How can I make these feelings and thoughts stop?
First of all, I want you to know that you are not alone in this. I have heard from several teen girls lately who have been telling me similar things. It hurts my heart that this is a struggle that you’re having, because you were made so beautifully by God.
You are enough…because God sees you as enough! He loves you. You are worthy….you are valuable, because God sees you as valuable.
Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that before we were even formed in the womb, God knew us.
He knew every little detail about us…He intentionally thought out everything that makes up who you are, and He was pleased with it.
I know it’s hard, because everyone in your family is really athletic, but God created you just the way you are on purpose. He doesn’t want you to gain your identity from that. He wants you to gain your identity from Him. Now, I’m not saying quit working out or playing sports. Do your best, but then be satisfied because you did the best that you can do. If your parents are truly disappointed in you because you aren’t athletic, I encourage you to pray for them that they see you through the eyes of how God created you…that they see your true identity through Christ.
You were not placed on this earth an accident. God deliberately thought about every detail about you before the world was even formed! When you truly understand how much God loves you, you understand that you have so much value! That you are not a disappointment to God. That you have so much purpose! That you are God’s joy! You are a beautiful daughter of the most high King!
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