#149: MuensterVision - Releasing Music & Building Communities with NFT and Divorcing from Traditional Music Platforms
MunsterVision is a hip-hop artist based in Houston, TX, and a pioneer in the world of NFT's. He's completely abandoned the traditional music platforms, because of their favoritism to major label artists and not giving independents a real change due to PAYOLA. He has gone the route of blockchain technology and NFT's to release content and music. In this episode, we discuss his journey and experience with NFT's, which platforms he uses, and much more.
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Who Am I?
I’ve booked, promoted, and produced over 2,500 shows with the world's biggest promoters (Live Nation and AEG Presents) and independently. Here is more about my background - http://www.makingitwithchrisg.com/aboutme.
What's that sound?
I have Tourette Syndrome, which is why you may hear a regular vocal sound. My producer calls it Jazz. I have quite a few tics and have had Tourette Syndrome since I was 6 years old. To learn more about Tourette's or support research for Tourette Syndrome, please visit https://tourette.org/.