#149 - Fadimatou Noutchemo Simo talks about aviation on the African Continent - She is the Founder and President of YAAPA; CEO OF HEFA
This episode features Fadimatou Noutchemo Simo, a Cameroonean who is the founder and president of Young African Aviation Professional Association, a non-profit organization that creates a platform of exchange between industries stakeholders and the next generation of aviation professionals in Africa. The aim of YAAPA is to meet up with future demand of skilled workers in the industry. Her mission being to raise awareness of aviation as a potential career, particularly in those communities which may not ordinarily be exposed to aviation. As part of YAAPA’s outreach program Fadimatou introduced the Heleta Aviation Scholarship Programme to encourage underprivileged children in rural areas of Africa to consider aviation as a future career choice.
She is also CEO of HEFA Group, her aviation consultancy firm. Fadimatou is the winner of the IATA High Flyer Award 2019 and the Commonwealth Point of Light Award 2019, she was an international visitor leadership program alumnus in 2016. She has been selected for the Global leadership in international aviation.
Linkedin: fadimatou-noutchemo-simo
Facebook: @fadimatounoutchemo
Instagram: @fadimatou_noutchemo