156. Creative Communication: How Our Design Choices Illustrate Our Values
As a designer, Scott Doorley is interested in how humans create the world around them. It’s a conversation, he says, that starts with the question: What kind of world do we want?
Doorley is the creative director of the Stanford d.school and co-author of the book, Assembling Tomorrow: A Guide to Designing a Thriving Future. In designing everything from a device to an app to a building, “People get excited about what it can do,” he says, “but what should it do? What do we want? What's the desirable outcome that we want in the world?”
In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Doorley and host Matt Abrahams discuss how applying design thinking to communication can help us connect more with each other, better understand the world, and create meaningful change.
Episode Reference Links:
- Scott Doorley
- Stanford d.school
- Scott’s Book: Assembling Tomorrow
- Ep.61 Courage, Belonging, Ambiguity and Data: How to Design Your Communication for Success
- Ep.70 Ideas Fuel Innovation: Why Your First Ideas Aren’t Always the Best
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I took some notes 📝 desirability ⚘️test the prototype/ externalize the product/..