167 Creating a New Version of You! - Randy Gage
Prosperity, Business, Love, Relationships, Rebirth
Authenticity should never be used as an excuse for not growing. We’ll look at that in our Thought of the Day. And in our interview segment, Randy Gage looks at how to up your game to actually re-create yourself. That and more on today’s show.
Bob’s Thought of the Day
We’ll explore:
- The concept of integrity and a powerful saying attributed to Gandhi.
- Why we must continually upgrade ourselves in order to live from our highest essence; our whole selves; our true authentic selves.
Interview with Randy Gage
You’ll discover:
- The importance of being willing to pivot during the pandemic.
- What it means to have a radical rebirth.
- The reason behind -- and essence of -- Randy’s newest book, “Radical Rebirth.”
- Why Randy says, “I had to kill off the parts of me that I didn’t like and develop the parts of me that I loved.”
- The difference between those who want to reinvent themselves, and those who don’t.
- Randy’s theory on the infinite nature of prosperity.
Click to Tweet
- “You don’t have to take prosperity from someone else to give it to yourself. All true prosperity is infinite.” @Randy_Gage #prosperity
- “You can’t accept love from anyone else until you love yourself.” @Randy_Gage #prosperity
- “I had to kill off the parts of me that I didn’t like and develop the parts of me that I loved.” @Randy_Gage #prosperity
- On this episode of The Go-Giver @Randy_Gage explores the question, “How do I become the highest possible version of myself?” #prosperity
Interview Links
Radical Rebirth: Kill Off the Old You and Create a New Life! by Randy Gage
Risky is the New Safe by Randy Gage
Mad Genius by Randy Gage
The Prosperity Series booklets by Randy Gage
Connect with Randy on Facebook
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Endless Referrals: The Go-Giver Way
Endless Referrals: The Go-Giver Way 2-Day Workshop