DiscoverThe Incubator#178 - 🔬 At the Bench - Insights in Neurovascular Research (ft. Dr. Betsy Crouch)
#178 - 🔬 At the Bench - Insights in Neurovascular Research (ft. Dr. Betsy Crouch)

#178 - 🔬 At the Bench - Insights in Neurovascular Research (ft. Dr. Betsy Crouch)

Update: 2024-01-24


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Welcome to “At the Bench” a new podcast in the Incubator network focusing on physician-scientists in neonatology, their research, and career journeys. 

This week, we start by interviewing Dr. Elizabeth “Betsy” Crouch, a neonatologist, neuroscientist, and vascular biologist at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Crouch’s lab takes a “Vascular-centric” perspective to neurodevelopment and studies how the blood vessels in the developing brain and spinal cord impact the growing neural cells, and vice versa. In part, this approach is inspired by germinal matrix hemorrhage, a devastating condition unfortunately common in the NICU that can cause cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, and death. Early in Dr. Crouch’s training, a family she cared for in the NICU questioned the status quo in germinal matrix hemorrhage management. They asked why, in this era of modern medicine, their baby had no treatment options for this devastating and common condition. This anecdote highlights what has become a theme in her research: basic and translational science inspired by parents and patients. Her lab now focuses on defining the stages of vascular stem cells in the developing brain and understanding the mechanisms that regulate their functions, applying this knowledge to produce novel technologies and therapeutic strategies for different brain hemorrhages in neonatal and pediatric patients. This episode discusses the challenges and victories in Dr. Crouch’s journey, her mentors and their wisdom, and how we might create a future without germinal matrix hemorrhage for our premies and their families.

As always, feel free to send us questions, comments, or suggestions to our email: You can also contact the show through Instagram or Twitter, @nicupodcast. Or contact Ben and Daphna directly via their Twitter profiles: @drnicu and @doctordaphnamd. The papers discussed in today's episode are listed and timestamped on the webpage linked below.


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#178 - 🔬 At the Bench - Insights in Neurovascular Research (ft. Dr. Betsy Crouch)

#178 - 🔬 At the Bench - Insights in Neurovascular Research (ft. Dr. Betsy Crouch)

Ben Courchia & Daphna Yasova Barbeau