DiscoverHealth Bite179. Harnessing The Power of Anger for Positive Health and Wellness: Anger as The Most Compassionate Emotion
179. Harnessing The Power of Anger for Positive Health and Wellness: Anger as The Most Compassionate Emotion

179. Harnessing The Power of Anger for Positive Health and Wellness: Anger as The Most Compassionate Emotion

Update: 2024-05-06


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Are you afraid of anger?  Learn how to lean into this emotion and use it as a tool for positive change in your health and wellness.

In this episode, Dr. Adrienne Youdim delves into the emotion of anger, inspired by recent data on its impact on the heart and an article on the benefits of restraint. 

She explores the relevance of this topic in today's world filled with anger and invites listeners to join her in understanding and managing this powerful emotion. 

Learn how anger affects our hearts and bodies, and discover mindful ways to process and utilize this powerful emotion.

Tune in to gain insights on how to navigate anger in a healthy and productive manner.

Let's embrace our emotions and use them as tools for positive change. 

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Anger as a messenger and teacher, what you need to know
  • Practical tips on how to process and channel your anger in a healthy way 
  • Explore the intersection of anger, well-being, and self-compassion.

"Just because we suppress anger doesn't mean that we have dealt with it or moved past it." - Dr. Adrienne Youdim

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Dr. Adrienne Youdim

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179. Harnessing The Power of Anger for Positive Health and Wellness: Anger as The Most Compassionate Emotion

179. Harnessing The Power of Anger for Positive Health and Wellness: Anger as The Most Compassionate Emotion

Dr. Adrienne Youdim