181: Sales Within Pre- and Post- Sales Functions, Deirdre Sommerkamp, Skillibrium
Now more than ever, we are seeing the importance of how sales fits in pre-sale and after the sale, and how sales needs enablement like the examples Deirdre offers are what helps grow .
Learning, practicing, executing and coaching is the repeatable cadence
Lori and Deirdre talk about creating "work life harmony" and the value of keeping in touch with those you've enjoyed working with previously.
We talk about "just in time" coaching and how adults learn.
Deirdre helps Skillibrium to:
Assess your team's skills
Remediate with Learning paths
Practice with Stand and Deliver
Implement an Operational Cadence
Execute with Sales Playbooks
Predicably grow revenue
Promote based on objectivity
and Deliver exceptional experiences.
More is at https://skillibrium.com/
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