193. Courtesy and Good Will Towards Men feat. Spencer Hazard
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This week we have Spencer Hazard from Full of Hell on to talk about the Harvey Milk album Courtesy and Good Will Toward Men. We also talk about: growing up coastal maryland, chicken enthusiasts, jazzmasters, Sore Dream, industrial hazard, Endless Blockade, the Nothing collab, an hour of unedited noise, the body, the new record, playing emo shows, us and ghost mice, Dylan’s vocals, tour booking on myspace, Maryland death fest, boardwalk metal t shirts, Thou stuck at the airport, Travis Barker, Mark McCoy, Lou Barlow, Harvey Milk (band of pranksters), Hydra Head records, that one glam rock part, the kiss verse, and so much more.
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// Follow us at @danbassini, @mysprocalledlife, @fullofhell @spencerhazard and @runintotheground.