DiscoverThe Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish#199 Esther Perel: Cultivating Desire (2019)
#199 Esther Perel: Cultivating Desire (2019)

#199 Esther Perel: Cultivating Desire (2019)

Update: 2024-07-231


Esther Perot, drawing from her parents' experiences in concentration camps and her expertise in narrative therapy, delves into the profound impact of imagination and storytelling on our lives and relationships. She argues that our narratives shape our reality, and that embracing impermanence can lead to greater flexibility and vitality in relationships. The podcast explores the challenges of rebuilding life after trauma, highlighting the importance of resilience, connection, and the erotic as an antidote to death. Esther discusses the dynamics of communication, conflict, and growth in relationships, emphasizing the importance of having key conversations early on, challenging rigid communication patterns, and understanding the roots of criticism. She introduces the concept of conscious uncoupling, challenging the idea that longevity is the only marker of success in relationships. Esther emphasizes the importance of couples having dedicated time for each other, maintaining curiosity and playfulness, and leaving relationships with integrity and kindness. Throughout the podcast, Esther offers practical tips and insights for navigating the complexities of modern relationships, encouraging listeners to embrace vulnerability, cultivate pleasure, and prioritize the quality of their connections.


The Power of Imagination, Narrative, and Trauma

Esther Perot discusses the importance of imagination and narrative in shaping our experiences, drawing from her parents' experiences in concentration camps. She argues that our stories about the world influence our reality, and that embracing impermanence can lead to greater flexibility and vitality in relationships. She also explores the challenges of rebuilding life after trauma, including depression, bitterness, and survivor guilt.

Erotic Intelligence and the Antidote to Death

Esther explores the distinction between living and surviving, drawing from her observations of her community after the Holocaust. She argues that the erotic can serve as an antidote to death, fostering hope, meaning, and imagination. She also discusses the Eastern philosophy of impermanence and its implications for relationships, arguing that embracing the idea that things are constantly changing can lead to a different awareness of the world and a more flexible approach to trust and vulnerability.

Narrative Therapy and Relationship Dynamics

Esther explains her approach to narrative therapy, emphasizing the power of stories in shaping our experiences. She describes how she helps couples reframe their narratives to create new possibilities for change and understanding in their relationships. She also discusses the importance of having key conversations early in a relationship, even if they seem difficult, and emphasizes that these conversations evolve over time as couples navigate different life stages and stressors.

Growing Apart and the Choreography of Relationships

Esther explores the concept of couples growing apart, distinguishing between high-conflict relationships and disengaged relationships. She emphasizes that the way couples experience differences, rather than the differences themselves, is what leads to growing apart. She also discusses the concept of security in relationships, using the image of a child seeking comfort and then venturing out to play to illustrate the importance of both closeness and freedom in a secure relationship.

Communication Patterns and the Importance of Form over Content

Esther identifies three common argument patterns: fight-fight-fight, attack-flee, and close-the-door. She emphasizes that the form or choreography of arguments is more important than the content, and that couples need to challenge the rigidity of their communication patterns. She also explains that criticism often stems from a lack of self-worth and a fear of vulnerability, and argues that instead of criticizing, people should express their wishes and needs directly, even if it means risking rejection.

High-Stakes Conversations and the Echo Chamber of Relationships

Esther discusses the challenges of having high-stakes conversations in relationships, particularly when they've been avoided for a long time. She argues that the intensity of these conversations often stems from the echo chamber of past experiences and family dynamics. She also emphasizes the importance of each partner being willing to change their behavior in relationships, regardless of what the other person does, and argues that consistent change can lead to adaptation and growth in the relationship.

Cultivating Pleasure and the Erotic in Relationships

Esther explores the reasons why good sex fades in relationships, emphasizing the importance of cultivating pleasure and imagination. She argues that sex should be seen as a creative act, rather than a mere performance, and that couples need to invest in their erotic lives. She also discusses the difference between love and desire, arguing that love is about closeness and desire is about wanting, and highlights the challenge of modern relationships, which often seek to combine both love and desire in the same place.

Curiosity, Play, and the Future of Family Life

Esther discusses the importance of maintaining curiosity and playfulness in relationships, even after years of being together. She argues that couples often fall into routines and lose sight of the unique individuals they are. She also emphasizes the importance of couples having dedicated time for each other, arguing that it's essential for maintaining a strong relationship. She discusses the changing nature of family life, where the quality of the couple's relationship is now crucial for the family's survival.

Conscious Uncoupling and Redefining Success in Relationships

Esther introduces the concept of conscious uncoupling, challenging the idea that longevity is the only marker of success in relationships. She argues that couples should be able to separate with respect and kindness, setting themselves up for healthier future relationships. She provides guidance on how to leave a relationship with integrity and kindness, emphasizing the importance of taking responsibility for one's own actions and wishing the other person well. She also discusses the importance of honesty, both in terms of what we say to our partner and in terms of our own self-reflection.


Concentration Camps

Prison camps established by the Nazi regime during World War II to imprison and exterminate Jews, political prisoners, and other groups deemed undesirable.


The systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.

Narrative Therapy

A therapeutic approach that focuses on the stories people tell about themselves and their experiences, aiming to help them reframe their narratives to create positive change.

Erotic Intelligence

The ability to cultivate and maintain a sense of aliveness, desire, and pleasure in relationships, often through imagination, creativity, and a willingness to take risks.


The Buddhist concept that all things are in a constant state of change and flux, emphasizing the importance of living in the present moment and embracing the impermanence of life.

Conscious Uncoupling

A process of separating from a relationship with intentionality, respect, and kindness, aiming to minimize harm and create a positive foundation for future relationships.

Relationship Dynamics

The patterns of interaction, communication, and power within a relationship.

Communication Patterns

The recurring ways in which people communicate with each other, including their verbal and nonverbal behaviors.


The act of expressing disapproval or fault-finding, often stemming from a lack of self-worth or a fear of vulnerability.


  • What are some of the key takeaways from Esther Perot's discussion of her parents' experiences in concentration camps?

    Esther's parents' stories highlight the importance of luck, determination, and connection in surviving trauma. They also illustrate the challenges of rebuilding life after such experiences, including depression, bitterness, and survivor guilt.

  • How does Esther define erotic intelligence and why is it important in relationships?

    Erotic intelligence is the ability to cultivate and maintain a sense of aliveness, desire, and pleasure in relationships. It involves embracing imagination, creativity, and a willingness to take risks, which can help couples reconnect with their erotic selves and maintain a sense of excitement and vitality.

  • What are some of the common argument patterns that Esther identifies and how can couples improve their communication?

    Esther identifies three common argument patterns: fight-fight-fight, attack-flee, and close-the-door. She emphasizes that the form or choreography of arguments is more important than the content, and that couples need to challenge the rigidity of their communication patterns by creating space for new ways of interacting.

  • How does Esther explain the concept of security in relationships and what are its key components?

    Esther uses the image of a child seeking comfort and then venturing out to play to illustrate the concept of security in relationships. Secure relationships allow for both closeness and freedom, enabling partners to feel safe and supported while also pursuing their own interests. This involves trusting that the other person will be there when you return and that you can experience freedom and connection simultaneously.

  • What are some of the key conversations that couples should have early in a relationship and how do these conversations evolve over time?

    Couples should have conversations about their values, expectations, vision for life, and how they envision closeness and separateness in the relationship. These conversations evolve over time as couples navigate different life stages, stressors, and changes in their relationship dynamics.

  • What is conscious uncoupling and how can it be beneficial for relationships?

    Conscious uncoupling is a process of separating from a relationship with intentionality, respect, and kindness, aiming to minimize harm and create a positive foundation for future relationships. It involves taking responsibility for one's own actions, wishing the other person well, and engaging in honest self-reflection.

  • How can couples maintain a strong and fulfilling relationship over time?

    Couples can maintain a strong and fulfilling relationship by prioritizing dedicated time for each other, cultivating curiosity and playfulness, embracing vulnerability, and investing in their erotic lives.

  • What are some practical tips for navigating difficult conversations in relationships?

    Esther suggests using podcasts and other shared experiences as a way to open up conversations about difficult topics with partners. She emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and supportive space for communication, listening actively, and expressing needs and wishes directly.

  • How does Esther's perspective on relationships differ from traditional views?

    Esther challenges the idea that longevity is the only marker of success in relationships, arguing that couples should be able to separate with respect and kindness, setting themselves up for healthier future relationships. She also emphasizes the importance of embracing impermanence and the changing nature of relationships, encouraging couples to adapt and grow together.

Show Notes

Few episodes in The Knowledge Project’s nine-year history have impacted people’s relationships and lives more than when Esther Perel shared her infinite wisdom for the first time in 2019.

Shane and Esther discuss how the stories you tell yourself shape how you see the world (and what to do about that), the important conversations to have at the beginning of a relationship, the most common arguments couples have and how to prevent them, what to say to a partner if the relationship isn’t working out, the relationship between desire, love, and pleasure, and so much more. Plus, the conversation starts out on an interesting note: Esther Perel shares stories about her parents surviving the Holocaust and how their experiences shaped her childhood and continue to shape her life today.


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(00:00 ) Intro
(02:38 ) Coming back to life after the war
(08:09 ) The myth of stability
(11:30 ) The power of reflections
(19:48 ) Important conversations for early relationships
(24:20 ) Can values change in relationships?
(27:20 ) Being secure in a relationship
(30:40 ) Better conversations with your partner
(33:00 ) What's behind every criticism
(36:52 ) Too much honesty
(39:37 ) What happens if I don't love my partner
(47:12 ) Why does good sex fade in relationships?
(50:59 ) Love vs. desire
(55:38 ) How to have difficult conversations with your partner
(01:05:13 ) Conscious uncoupling

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#199 Esther Perel: Cultivating Desire (2019)

#199 Esther Perel: Cultivating Desire (2019)

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