20: Wedding Horror Stories: lost vows, peeing in your wedding dress and drugged out DJs
This week we reacted to YOUR wedding horror stories. From botched photos to giant spiders we share your worst stories about your best day. We also touch on Kim K at the Tom Brady Roast, Hangout Fest 2024, and celebrate hitting 100k subscribers on youtube!! Thank you guys so much!! If you like the podcast please leave a review wherever you listen!
Listen to the Fairly Odd Sisters on Spotify & Apple Podcasts:
Spotify // https://open.spotify.com/show/6NUNG59rPABfoHRh2dvEWM?si=GkZlt91RQkehXlW67Av3fg
Apple Podcasts // https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fairly-odd-sisters/id1724839923
Follow the Fairly Odd Sisters Podcast:
Follow Sarah & Lo to submit your stories for the pod!
Sarah YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheBeestonFam
Lo YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thebeestonbunch
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