DiscoverManage Smarter202: Julie Hansen: Improving Virtual Credibility During Online Meetings
202: Julie Hansen: Improving Virtual Credibility During Online Meetings

202: Julie Hansen: Improving Virtual Credibility During Online Meetings

Update: 2022-05-22


Julie is a virtual-selling thought leader and the author of three books including the recent, "Look Me In The Eye: Using Video to Build Relationships with Customers, Partners, & Teams," which was named Top Sales Book of 2021.

Through her Selling On Video Master Class and coaching, Julie helps sales leaders and teams to leverage video in a way that drives sales.

In addition to a successful career in sales and leadership, Julie worked as a professional actor appearing in over 75 plays, commercials, films, and television shows, including HBO’s Sex & The City

In this podcast for managers, Audrey, Lee and Julie discuss:  

·      Mistakes salespeople make while on camera online that damages their credibility

·      Strategies for body language, eyes and facial expressions to improve your digital credibility online

·      How to use peripheral vision exercises and energy levels to build online sales credibility

·      Why salespeople need to keep their online camera ON even if the prospect or client has theirs off

·      Camera positioning, where to look when and how to successfully “read the room” when it’s a digital online Zoom room or other platform

“The main mistake leaders make is they equate a salesperson’s length of time on video with competency, imagine that one class on virtual selling will make the kind of counter-intuitive behavioral change necessary to excel on video, or think supplying their team with the technology to connect is sufficient. – Julie Hansen

Build Credibility and Effective Leadership with the Manage Smarter Podcast.

Join hosts Audrey Strong and C. Lee Smith every week as they dive into the aspects and concepts of good business management. From debunking sales myths to learning how to manage with and without measurements, you'll learn something new with every episode and will be able to implement positive change far beyond sales. 


Connect with Julie Hansen


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·         LinkedIn: Audrey Strong                                                           

·         LinkedIn: C. Lee Smith 


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202: Julie Hansen: Improving Virtual Credibility During Online Meetings

202: Julie Hansen: Improving Virtual Credibility During Online Meetings

C. Lee Smith, Audrey Strong & C-Suite Radio