#202 - Feeling Comfortable in Front of the Camera
Feeling Comfortable in Front of the Camera with Jill Steenson – Episode #202
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Let’s face it there will be more pictures taken of you on your wedding day than you’ve probably ever have had before. It takes some getting used to and some of us still aren’t that comfortable. Today we have Jill Steenson with Lillian Lane Photography here with us. Jill is here to help us share with you some tips and tricks on how to feel comfortable in front of the camera. With her experience both behind and in front of the camera, she’s the perfect guest host for today’s topic.
People around you
feeling comfortable with your photographer
feeling comfortable with your partner, or who you’re being photographed with
choose a more secluded location if you’re introverted
don’t have people watching your photo shoot if you’re not 100% comfortable with that
Play music that brings up your mood/helps with movement
Have a LITTLE wine
Make sure the temp is okay for you/dress for the temp
Take a break if you need one
Bring a snack/water
Eat something! You’ll want energy
meditate/visualize yourself having fun
do a light workout or yoga if you can
avoid the news/anything that stresses you. Instead, listen to music that makes you happy
take a moment with your partner before the shoot and just look into his/her eyes for a full three to four minutes (dopamine)
Ask your photographer for help for prompts to bring out fun emotions
Both you and your partner can come up with fun challenges to help each other to have fun and get great photos
*slow run competition
*yell the artist/name of each song as it comes on (one point for each)
*dance with each other
*bear hug, or have him pick you up
Avoid planning a shoot that you’ll have to wake up very early for unless you’re used to that.
Choose a time of day that you know you’re productive.
Put on a little more than daily wear makeup (false lashes look nice in photos)
Wear clothing you feel comfortable in/clothing that moves/avoid stiff fabrics
Avoid heels/stilettos unless you’re very used to wearing them
LINKS: Lillian Lane Photography
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-Until next time, No Stress No Worries Keep Calm and Listen On –