2020 Visioning: a New Years Practice with Alicia Garza
You'll need 30 minutes, and ideally a printed version of the accompanying visual guide (though it also works with a piece of paper and something to write with). This practice can be done alone or in a group.
Download the visual guide, read Alicia's full bio, and access the transcript at http://healingjustice.org/podcast/2020
We are so happy to announce our next Book Club selection: Healing Resistance, a Radically Different Response to Harm by Kazu Haga. Parallax Press (Thich Nhat Hanh's publishing house) is graciously offering 15% off using the code PODCAST.
Join us to connect with other listeners via our self-organizing map, access resources from past book club selections Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good & Turn This World Inside Out: The Emergence of Nurturance Culture, and more at www.patreon.com/healingjustice
Everything you need to know to join the community lives at www.healingjustice.org/community
Help sustain this work: http://www.patreon.com/healingjustice
Thank you to Zach Meyer at the COALROOM for mixing & mastering, Danny O'Brien & Unicorn Heads for music, Josiah Werning for cover art, and Siana Sonoquie for design and illustration on the visual guide that accompanies this practice.
Thank you to our sponsor, Kalliopeia Foundation: Dedicated to reconnecting ecology, culture, and spirituality. Learn more at kalliopeia.org