209. A Window on Time - Part 2 (B1 B2 Story)
Write to Mike Bilbrough to ask a question or give an opinion.
The second part of my story A Window on Time.
Strong B1 and B2-level story.
Words to explain:
detention - in schools this was (is?) a punishment for children. We had to stay in a classroom during the lunch-break and do extra homework
B2 phrases to listen for. What is the context of each phrase?
1) to feel faint
2) Naturally,
3) tremble with excitement
4) hit it off
5) stick together
6) stand by somebody
The vowels (a, e, i, o, u) have been taken out (unless the word begins with a vowel). Read the definition and guess the word in bold.
1) uncmfrtbl adj. a chair, for example, that is not nice to sit in because it is too hard etc.
2) blvd v. thought something was true
3) cmplnd v. said he didn't like something
4) aplgy n. saying sorry
5) mngd t v. was able to
6) astnshd adj. very surprised
7) rvrsng v. going backwards
8) trvl adj. not serious at all
9) pndng v. beating hard e.g. your heart
10) bd-tmprd adj. angry, in an angry mood
For the answers to the questions above, see https://www.practisingenglish.com/podcast-209.htm
At https://www.practisingenglish.com/ I offer learners of intermediate-level English, grammar help and exercises and other English learning pages.
My latest novel for learners of B2 English is called The Tudor Conspiracy. You can see it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/33Axu2N
Be back soon with another podcast!
Mike Bilbrough (Secondary school English teacher and Doctor in English philology)