DiscoverDepth of Anesthesia21: Should smaller endotracheal tubes be used for elective surgery?
21: Should smaller endotracheal tubes be used for elective surgery?

21: Should smaller endotracheal tubes be used for elective surgery?

Update: 2021-02-16


In this episode, we explore the evidence on whether smaller endotracheal tubes are...

1. Less likely to maintain a secure patent airway

2. Less reliable in facilitating positive pressure ventilation

3. Less able to seal the trachea and protect the lungs from aspiration

We also discuss the potential harms associated with larger endotracheal tubes. 

Our guests are Dr. Shamir Karmali and Dr. Peter Rose from the Department of Anesthesiology at Vancouver General Hospital.

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Music by Stephen Campbell, MD.


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By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use information as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients that you are treating. Opinions expressed are solely those of the host and guests and do not express the views or opinions of Massachusetts General Hospital.

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21: Should smaller endotracheal tubes be used for elective surgery?

21: Should smaller endotracheal tubes be used for elective surgery?