DiscoverThe Self Love Fix219. Why You're Not "Doomed" to "Being Single Forever" + Why God is Not Out to Get You
219. Why You're Not "Doomed" to "Being Single Forever" + Why God is Not Out to Get You

219. Why You're Not "Doomed" to "Being Single Forever" + Why God is Not Out to Get You

Update: 2023-09-212


“God must be out to get me.”

“This must be some kind of cosmic joke.”

“You know what? Fine. I don’t want a relationship anyway.”

“I’m focusing on my career. I don’t need a man.”

If any of these sound familiar, then this episode is for you.

If you’re the kind of person who truly enjoys being single…good for you! But if you’re saying you’re fine with being single, then absolutely SEETHING with anger and bitterness every time you see a happy couple…

I don’t think you’re being honest with yourself.

If you say you don’t want a relationship when you actually do, you become the thing that’s sabotaging you. Because when you decide you don’t want something…God’s going to listen. And pretending you don’t care isn’t going to trick him into giving you what you want.

This might be a confronting episode for you, but as someone who’s been where you are…trust me. Once you come face to face with the truth of your desires, your dating life will NEVER be the same.



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Be sure to connect with me more on Instagram @theselflovefix. I’d love to hear what you thought of this episode and what your major takeaways were.

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219. Why You're Not "Doomed" to "Being Single Forever" + Why God is Not Out to Get You

219. Why You're Not "Doomed" to "Being Single Forever" + Why God is Not Out to Get You

Beatrice Kamau