DiscoverThe Simplicity Parenting Podcast with Kim John Payne#220: Denying Lying Blaming is Often a Signal That a Child is Overwhelmed - And What We Can Do To Help
#220: Denying Lying Blaming is Often a Signal That a Child is Overwhelmed - And What We Can Do To Help

#220: Denying Lying Blaming is Often a Signal That a Child is Overwhelmed - And What We Can Do To Help

Update: 2024-05-29


This episode of The Simplicity Diaries focuses on understanding and addressing children's lying, denying, and blaming behaviors. Kim Payne, the host, explains that these behaviors are often a coping mechanism for overwhelm and overstimulation. She draws a powerful analogy of a child retreating behind a metaphorical drawbridge, shutting down to external input. Payne emphasizes the importance of not engaging in a 'siege mentality' by trying to force the child to open up, as this can lead to further withdrawal. Instead, she advocates for giving children time and space to calm down, using a technique similar to dialing back play stages. Payne also quotes Werner Herzog, who cautions against excessive introspection and the dangers of illuminating every corner of one's life, suggesting that it can lead to a loss of mystery and a sense of being driven out of one's own house. Applying this to children, Payne advises against excessive questioning and analysis, as it can increase their defensiveness. Instead, she recommends acknowledging the child's feelings, providing reassurance, and giving them time and space to process their emotions. The episode concludes with a reminder that these behaviors are often a sign of overwhelm and that children need support and understanding to navigate their emotions.



This Chapter introduces the topic of children's lying, denying, and blaming behaviors, highlighting their prevalence and the importance of understanding their root causes.

Understanding Overwhelm

This Chapter delves into the concept of overwhelm as a driving force behind children's negative behaviors. It explains that these behaviors are often a coping mechanism for overstimulation and feeling overwhelmed by their environment.

Time, Space, and Grace

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of giving children time, space, and grace to calm down and process their emotions. It suggests avoiding confrontation and instead offering reassurance and understanding.

Avoiding Excessive Detail

This Chapter cautions against excessive questioning and analysis, as it can increase a child's defensiveness and withdrawal. It encourages a more gentle approach, focusing on providing support and allowing the child to calm down.



A state of being overloaded or burdened, often leading to feelings of stress, anxiety, and difficulty coping. In the context of children, overwhelm can manifest as lying, denying, and blaming behaviors.

Coping Mechanisms

Behaviors or strategies that individuals use to manage stress, anxiety, or difficult situations. In the case of children, lying, denying, and blaming can serve as coping mechanisms for dealing with overwhelm.

Time, Space, and Grace

A parenting approach that emphasizes giving children time to calm down, space to process their emotions, and grace to make mistakes. It encourages patience and understanding rather than immediate confrontation.

Werner Herzog

A renowned German film director and producer known for his distinctive style and philosophical insights. In the podcast, Herzog's quote about the dangers of excessive introspection is used to illustrate the importance of allowing children space and time to process their emotions.

Dialing Back Play Stages

A parenting technique that involves giving children time to calm down after a conflict or stressful situation. It is based on the idea that children need time to regulate their emotions before they can effectively communicate or problem-solve.

Siege Mentality

A defensive and aggressive mindset characterized by a feeling of being under attack. In the context of parenting, a siege mentality can occur when parents try to force a child to open up or confront them about their behavior, leading to further withdrawal.

The Simplicity Diaries

A podcast hosted by Kim Payne, focusing on parenting and child development. The podcast aims to provide practical advice and insights on raising children in a simple and clear manner.

Kim Payne

The host of The Simplicity Diaries podcast, a parenting expert and author known for her work on child development and positive parenting practices.


  • Why do children lie, deny, and blame?

    These behaviors are often a coping mechanism for overwhelm and overstimulation. Children may resort to these tactics when they feel overwhelmed by their environment or unable to cope with a situation.

  • What is the best way to address these behaviors?

    Instead of confronting the child directly, it's important to give them time, space, and grace to calm down. Avoid excessive questioning or analysis, as this can increase their defensiveness. Offer reassurance and understanding, and let them know that you're there for them.

  • How does Werner Herzog's quote relate to parenting?

    Herzog's quote about the dangers of excessive introspection highlights the importance of allowing children space and time to process their emotions. Trying to illuminate every aspect of a situation can lead to further withdrawal and defensiveness.

  • What is the 'dialing back play stages' technique?

    This technique involves giving children time to calm down after a conflict or stressful situation. It is based on the idea that children need time to regulate their emotions before they can effectively communicate or problem-solve.

  • What is the 'siege mentality' in parenting?

    This refers to a defensive and aggressive approach where parents try to force a child to open up or confront them about their behavior. This can lead to further withdrawal and make the situation worse.

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#220: Denying Lying Blaming is Often a Signal That a Child is Overwhelmed - And What We Can Do To Help

#220: Denying Lying Blaming is Often a Signal That a Child is Overwhelmed - And What We Can Do To Help

Kim John Payne/Center for Social Sustainability