#239: Building better business culture around AI

#239: Building better business culture around AI

Update: 2023-07-04


At our recent Advancing AI Melbourne event, Jonas Christensen, formerly Head of Data Science at Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, hosted a lively and insightful panel discussion featuring three prominent leaders in data and AI:

·             Christine Smyth, Chief Strategy Officer, Defence Health

·             Dr Michelle-Joy Low, Head of Data & AI, Reece Group

·             Nonna Milmeister, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, RMIT University

The panellists emphasise the importance of building a culture that embraces AI and data-driven insights. Dr. Christine Smyth highlights the need for cooperation within the organisation, involving data students and building cross-functional teams with their technology counterparts. Christine also emphasises the significance of building trust in AI by being transparent about biases and addressing legitimate concerns. In order to combat fear and misunderstanding, increasing data literacy across the entire organisation is crucial.

In a data context, a significant amount of effort goes into developing communication structures and accountability frameworks. These structures enable all teams involved to effectively communicate their contributions towards delivering tangible business value. However, this process is an ongoing journey, especially as organisations evolve and grow. Dr. Michelle-Joy Low highlights the importance of establishing a common language and effective communication channels within data teams. By doing so, organisations can foster collaboration, enhance accountability, and ultimately deliver value through their data initiatives. Whilst this endeavour may require continuous effort and adaptation, it is a vital discipline that directly contributes to the success of data-driven organisations.

This episode also reveals insights from Nonna Milmeister who believes that to achieve success as data leaders, cooperation is key. Building strong collaboration with every part of the organisation is absolutely essential. Only by being transparent about biases and addressing them head-on, trust can be established. Trust leading to firm foundations that will foster successful data impact and outcomes.

People often have concerns about AI replacing their jobs entirely, but here's an interesting stat: according to the World Economic Forum, while 85 million jobs may be replaced by 2025, a staggering 97 million new jobs will be created. So, instead of fearing job displacement, our role as data leaders should focus on increasing data literacy within our organisations. As the role of the data leader evolves our mindsets and approaches need to also. 

This is an insightful and important podcast for anyone interested in learning how organisations can build effective, productive, and innovative teams around data.

Thank you to our sponsor, Talent Insights Group!

Join us for our next events, Data Engineering and Advancing AI Sydney (5-7 September): https://www.datafuturology.com/events 

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#239: Building better business culture around AI

#239: Building better business culture around AI

Felipe Flores