24 - Grizzly Medical
Apologies for the hiatus! On this week’s episode of the Tiger Bloc Podcast, we feature a good friend and one of the best medical trainers in the business, Dan Bernal of Grizzly Medical!
Dan is a former US Army combat medic, having directly saved lives in missions as well as having taught Iraqi and Kurdish medics in joint combat operations. He also served as an on-site TCCC and EMT trainer. Recognizing a severe lack of knowledge for practical first aid training in the civilian world, Dan created Grizzly Medical. The company’s mission is to provide the latest in TCCC doctrine and combine this with live simulations in order to bring the most grounded, truth-to-life first-aid training possible to non-professionals.
Together, Soju Operator and Dan discuss the insufficiency of current Stop the Bleed training, why you should always be carrying a medical kit, medical misconceptions, first-hand experience in saving a man’s life, the tourniquet market, the value of live simulation training, and what his classes offer.
Host: Soju Operator
Guests: Dan Bernal
Shownotes: Soju Operator
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Follow Grizzly Medical on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grizzlymedical/
Follow Grizzly Medica on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grizzlymedical/
Visit Grizzly Medica’s website and organize host a class: https://grizzlymedical.org/
Music credit:
Palm Tree Jam by Ronin Saedi
Listen to more: https://viennaundergroundtraxx.bandcamp.com/album/cosmic-conscious