DiscoverTech Lead Journal#25 - Software Craftsmanship & Modernization - Sandro Mancuso
#25 - Software Craftsmanship & Modernization - Sandro Mancuso

#25 - Software Craftsmanship & Modernization - Sandro Mancuso

Update: 2021-02-082


“When I think about well-crafted software, it’s code that we are not scared to change. The code clearly specifies what it does. When we change one part of it, don’t break the other. You always feel that you are in control. You are controlling the code, not the other way around."

Sandro Mancuso is the author of “The Software Craftsman” and co-founder of Codurance. In this episode, Sandro shared his great insights on how developers can become a software craftsman by adopting professionalism, pragmatism, and pride mindset to achieve higher levels of technical excellence. We started off with Sandro’s career journey, how he adopted the software craftsmanship mindset in his career and started the London Software Craftsmanship Community. We then dived deep into Software Craftsmanship, how it relates to agile, and the importance of a well-crafted software. We also discussed his latest work on Software Modernization, the principles behind a successful modernization, the business drivers, and common impediments. In the end, Sandro re-emphasized the importance of pragmatism and how we can improve our pragmatism in our career.

Listen out for:

  • Career Journey - [00:05:26 ]

  • Codurance - [00:12:22 ]

  • Software Crafstmanship - [00:13:10 ]

  • Software Craftsmanship Manifesto - [00:19:22 ]

  • Well-crafted Software - [00:22:44 ]

  • How to Adopt Craftsmanship Mindset - [00:25:47 ]

  • Software Modernization - [00:33:07 ]

  • Modernization Business Drivers - [00:36:32 ]

  • Common Modernization Impediments - [00:40:37 ]

  • Principles of Successful Modernization - [00:43:19 ]

  • Improving Our Pragmatism - [00:47:11 ]

  • Well-crafted Software & Modernization - [00:50:21 ]

  • 3 Tech Lead Wisdom - [00:51:50 ]


Sandro Mancuso’s Bio

Sandro Mancuso is a Software craftsman, co-founder of Codurance, author of The Software Craftsman, founder of the London Software Craftsmanship Community and international speaker.

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#25 - Software Craftsmanship & Modernization - Sandro Mancuso

#25 - Software Craftsmanship & Modernization - Sandro Mancuso

Henry Suryawirawan