25. Cosmic Radiation and B Vitamins
Cosmic Radiation has had an impact on air crew. A research study explains how your diet, especially vitamin B3, can play an important role in protecting against ionizing radiation. In 1994 the FAA recognized this and recommended that aviation professionals, pilots and cabin crew, be informed about the exposure and health risks. There are several factors that influence exposure and the main ones are duration of flight and latitude. Listen to full episode and the links mentioned will be down below.
Supplements (use code FITAV10 for 10% discount): https://designsforsport.com/collections/retail
Cosmic Radiation PDF: https://www.ifalpa.org/media/3467/19hupbl01-aircrews-and-ionizing-radiation.pdf
FAA Radiation PDF:https://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2000s/media/0316.pdf
FAA CARI 6 Program: https://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/aeromedical/radiobiology/cari6m
Supplements Manufacturer Certifications:
CDC Article: