3 Steps To Shift Your Observations
Your observation of the world. Is your opportunity to shift what you are seeing. If you are looking for negative, bad, trouble or challenge - those things are a lot more likely to appear. When you're looking for possibilities, openness and opportunity, those too are more likely to appear.
In this podcast I offer you a challenge I presented in our weekly SHINE group meeting. Shine is a group of people that come together to talk about mind, body, spirit, wellness, around challenges with food, body image, movement and recognizing that whole wellness is the most important part of wellness. In our SHINE group this week ew were talking about looking for acts of kindness. I invited our members to share an act of kindness that they had themselves personally observed recently. One person shared observing an act of kindness between two children. Where one just naturally reached out to help another one that was falling. Put their arm out as the child was falling, steadied them and returned to playing in a natural sequence of events. That kind of kindness, that automatic response kindness happens often. Observing it is so beautiful.
Listen to learn the three steps to shifting your observation skills, and ultimately the way you see the world around you.
About the Host:
Tanya's mission is to create a legacy of self-love for women that reinforces trust in themselves through our programs, coaching, podcast, and book, The Trifecta of Joy! As Founder and creator of the Trifecta of Joy Philosophy, she combines over 30 years of research and work in various helping fields, to help you achieve your greatest successes!
Using her philosophy of the Trifecta of Joy, her mission is to empower people through their struggles with the elements of awareness, befriending your inner critic and raising your vibe. This podcast is about sharing stories of imperfection moving through life to shift toward possibilities, purpose, and power in your life!
Having had many wtf moments including becoming a widow, struggling with weight and body image issues, dating after loss, single parenting, remarriage, and blending families, Tanya is committed to offering you inspiration and empowerment – body, mind, and spirit!
As a speaker, writer, and coach, Tanya steps into her life’s purpose daily – to INSPIRE HOPE.
Order your copy of the Trifecta of Joy – HELP yourself in a world of change right here.
Get in touch with Tanya and follow the fun and inspiration in other places too!
Hugs, Hip Bumps, and Go ahead and SHINE!
Xo Tanya
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