3. Mission Creep
Update: 2022-11-08
We dig into the billionaire and ex-spy’s bromance and business partnership – which means a detour into the world of spies for hire. The rich cozy up with former intelligence personnel and try to, for better or worse, carry out missions the government can’t seem to do on its own. We are guided by a powerful female ex-spy who was in Matt and Mike’s circle and who explains, “it’s all about the size of your freaking penis. It’s true!”
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I love Hannah Rosins reporting, but there is no story here. I've given it 3 episodes and all we have is a he said she said between to ex bros. so sad. and yes Tha audio is crap and the music choices are distracting.
I heard an ad for this podcast while listening to Pivot ..... so I downloaded this episode. Holy crap, the audio is terrible. Voices are either gravelly or have vocal fry. On top of that, the very loud, completely distracting music makes it impossible to understand what's being said. Unsubscribed.
your background music is distracting and way too loud! please lower it!