DiscoverKilling Justice3. The Mothership
3. The Mothership

3. The Mothership

Update: 2024-06-03


This episode of Killing Justice delves into the RSS, a secretive organization with a significant presence in Indian politics. The RSS, which stands for Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, advocates for Hindu nationalism and believes in a Hindu-centric India. The episode highlights the RSS's influence on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, both of whom are members of the organization. The episode also explores the connection between the RSS and Judge Loya's death, particularly the allegations that the RSS may have been involved in a cover-up. The episode focuses on the post-mortem report of Judge Loya, which has been the subject of much scrutiny and controversy. The episode features interviews with journalists and experts who have investigated the case, including Raksha Kumar, a producer for the podcast, and Nikita Saksena, an independent journalist who has written extensively about the case. The episode also includes a visit to the RSS headquarters in Nagpur, where the podcast hosts were able to observe an RSS Shaka, a local branch of the organization. The episode concludes with a discussion of the potential for a cover-up involving Dr. Makarand Veewahare, a doctor who allegedly altered the post-mortem report of Judge Loya. The episode raises questions about the role of the RSS in Indian politics and the potential for corruption and abuse of power within the organization.


Introduction: Lumen Metabolic Coach

This Chapter introduces Lumen, a handheld metabolic coach that measures metabolism through breath analysis. It provides personalized nutrition and workout guidance based on individual metabolic data. The episode also features a sponsor message for Lumen, offering a 15% discount on purchases.

Nagpur: The Heart of the Mystery

This Chapter focuses on the city of Nagpur, a crucial location in the investigation of Judge Loya's death. The episode highlights the city's significance as the birthplace and headquarters of the RSS, a Hindu nationalist organization with a powerful influence on Indian politics. The chapter also includes a visit to the RSS headquarters and a discussion of the organization's ideology and history.

The Post-Mortem Report: A Source of Controversy

This Chapter examines the post-mortem report of Judge Loya, which has been the subject of much scrutiny and controversy. The episode highlights inconsistencies in the report, including the lack of mention of injuries to Judge Loya's head and the absence of blood stains on his clothes. The chapter also features interviews with journalists who have investigated the case, including Nikita Saksena, who has uncovered evidence suggesting that the post-mortem report may have been altered.

Confronting Dr. Veewahare: A Denial and a History of Allegations

This Chapter focuses on the investigation into Dr. Makarand Veewahare, a doctor who allegedly directed Judge Loya's post-mortem. The episode highlights allegations that Dr. Veewahare altered the post-mortem report to conceal evidence of foul play. The chapter includes an interview with Dr. Veewahare, who denies any involvement in the case. The episode also explores Dr. Veewahare's history of alleged ethical breaches, including allegations that he altered other post-mortem reports and harassed students.

The RSS's Shadow: A Conspiracy or a Cover-Up?

This Chapter concludes the episode with a discussion of the RSS's influence on Indian politics and the potential for a cover-up involving Dr. Veewahare. The episode raises questions about the role of the RSS in Judge Loya's death and the need for a more thorough investigation into the case. The chapter also highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in the Indian justice system.



The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is a Hindu nationalist organization in India. Founded in 1925, it is known for its advocacy of Hindu supremacy and its influence on Indian politics. The RSS has been accused of violence and intolerance towards minorities, particularly Muslims. The organization has a significant presence in Indian society, with millions of members and a network of affiliated organizations. The RSS is considered to be a powerful force in Indian politics, with its members holding key positions in the government, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah.

Hindu Nationalism

Hindu nationalism is a political ideology that promotes the idea of a Hindu-centric India. It advocates for the dominance of Hindu culture and religion in Indian society and often seeks to marginalize or exclude minorities. Hindu nationalism has been a significant force in Indian politics for decades, with the RSS being one of its most prominent proponents. The ideology has been criticized for its intolerance and its potential to undermine India's secular democracy.

Judge Loya

Judge Loya was an Indian judge who was overseeing the Surabuddin Sheikh case, a high-profile case involving Amit Shah, the Home Minister of India. Judge Loya died suddenly in 2014, and his death has been the subject of much controversy and speculation. Some believe that Judge Loya was murdered because he was about to deliver a verdict against Amit Shah. Others believe that his death was a natural one. The case has been investigated by several journalists and activists, and it has become a symbol of the potential for corruption and abuse of power within the Indian justice system.

Surabuddin Sheikh Case

The Surabuddin Sheikh case is a high-profile case in India that involves Amit Shah, the Home Minister of India. In 2010, Shah was charged by the CBI, India's Central Crime Investigation Agency, of conspiring with 17 others to allegedly execute a gangster named Surabuddin Sheikh. Shah was later discharged, but the case has been the subject of much controversy and speculation. The case has been investigated by several journalists and activists, and it has become a symbol of the potential for corruption and abuse of power within the Indian justice system.

Dr. Makarand Veewahare

Dr. Makarand Veewahare is a doctor who allegedly directed Judge Loya's post-mortem. He has been accused of altering the post-mortem report to conceal evidence of foul play. Dr. Veewahare has denied any involvement in the case. He has also been accused of altering other post-mortem reports and harassing students. Dr. Veewahare's alleged actions have raised questions about the integrity of the Indian justice system and the potential for corruption and abuse of power within the medical profession.


Nagpur is a city in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is the birthplace and headquarters of the RSS, a Hindu nationalist organization with a significant influence on Indian politics. Nagpur is also the location where Judge Loya died in 2014. The city has been the subject of much scrutiny and controversy in the investigation of Judge Loya's death.

Post-Mortem Report

A post-mortem report is a medical document that is generated after an autopsy. It details the findings of the autopsy, including the cause of death. The post-mortem report of Judge Loya has been the subject of much scrutiny and controversy, with allegations that it was altered to conceal evidence of foul play. The report has been a key piece of evidence in the investigation of Judge Loya's death.

Killing Justice

Killing Justice is a podcast that investigates the death of Judge Loya, an Indian judge who was overseeing the Surabuddin Sheikh case. The podcast explores the potential for a cover-up involving the RSS, a Hindu nationalist organization with a significant influence on Indian politics. The podcast features interviews with journalists and experts who have investigated the case, including Raksha Kumar, a producer for the podcast, and Nikita Saksena, an independent journalist who has written extensively about the case.


  • What is the RSS and what is its role in Indian politics?

    The RSS, or Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, is a Hindu nationalist organization in India that advocates for a Hindu-centric India. It has a significant influence on Indian politics, with its members holding key positions in the government, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. The RSS has been accused of violence and intolerance towards minorities, particularly Muslims.

  • What is the connection between the RSS and Judge Loya's death?

    The episode explores the possibility that the RSS may have been involved in a cover-up of Judge Loya's death. The episode highlights allegations that the RSS may have influenced the post-mortem report of Judge Loya, which has been the subject of much scrutiny and controversy.

  • What are the allegations against Dr. Makarand Veewahare?

    Dr. Makarand Veewahare is a doctor who allegedly directed Judge Loya's post-mortem. He has been accused of altering the post-mortem report to conceal evidence of foul play. Dr. Veewahare has denied any involvement in the case. He has also been accused of altering other post-mortem reports and harassing students.

  • What is the significance of the Surabuddin Sheikh case?

    The Surabuddin Sheikh case is a high-profile case in India that involves Amit Shah, the Home Minister of India. In 2010, Shah was charged by the CBI, India's Central Crime Investigation Agency, of conspiring with 17 others to allegedly execute a gangster named Surabuddin Sheikh. Shah was later discharged, but the case has been the subject of much controversy and speculation. The case has been investigated by several journalists and activists, and it has become a symbol of the potential for corruption and abuse of power within the Indian justice system.

  • What is the potential for a cover-up in Judge Loya's death?

    The episode raises questions about the potential for a cover-up involving Dr. Veewahare, a doctor who allegedly altered the post-mortem report of Judge Loya. The episode highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in the Indian justice system.

  • What is the significance of Nagpur in the investigation of Judge Loya's death?

    Nagpur is a city in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is the birthplace and headquarters of the RSS, a Hindu nationalist organization with a significant influence on Indian politics. Nagpur is also the location where Judge Loya died in 2014. The city has been the subject of much scrutiny and controversy in the investigation of Judge Loya's death.

  • What are the inconsistencies in Judge Loya's post-mortem report?

    The post-mortem report of Judge Loya has been the subject of much scrutiny and controversy, with allegations that it was altered to conceal evidence of foul play. The report has been a key piece of evidence in the investigation of Judge Loya's death.

  • What is the role of the RSS in the Surabuddin Sheikh case?

    The episode explores the possibility that the RSS may have been involved in a cover-up of Judge Loya's death, which was related to the Surabuddin Sheikh case. The episode highlights allegations that the RSS may have influenced the post-mortem report of Judge Loya, which has been the subject of much scrutiny and controversy.

  • What is the significance of the post-mortem report in the investigation of Judge Loya's death?

    The post-mortem report is a key piece of evidence in the investigation of Judge Loya's death. The episode highlights allegations that the post-mortem report was altered to conceal evidence of foul play. The report has been the subject of much scrutiny and controversy.

Show Notes

Ravi travels to Nagpur himself to try to find answers. He visits the headquarters of a powerful organization that looms over Judge Loya’s death and goes to meet a shadowy figure who may have been responsible for how Judge Loya’s postmortem was conducted.

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In Channel
1. A Mysterious Death

1. A Mysterious Death


3. The Mothership

3. The Mothership


4. Dead on Arrival

4. Dead on Arrival


5. The Family Flips

5. The Family Flips


6. A Farce

6. A Farce


7. Homecoming

7. Homecoming


8. The Next Five Years

8. The Next Five Years


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3. The Mothership

3. The Mothership

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