31.4 Set the Lord and His Love Always Before Us (1)
Psalm 16 is a psalm by David. It also symbolizes how the Lord lived before God throughout His whole life. He set the Lord always before Him. That means He thought of God always. His mind was filled with God and His precious truths. Through psalms, we can see that in David’s life, he always waited on God and was always living towards God, and he always set God’s love before his eyes. Psalm 27 mentions that David desired one thing, that is to dwell in the house of the Lord and to gaze upon His beauty all the days of his life. This should also be our daily lives. For example, we sing the ‘diamond hymns’ (“Who affects the Father the Most”, and “Love Like a Rainbow”) every day. We can also apply Bible verses personally to ourselves. And let our minds be filled with the Lord and His love throughout the day.