37 - Amy Dutton & James Q. Quick CompressedFM
In this episode, a long awaited episode, We spoke with Amy Dutton and James Q. Quick from the Compressed FM podcast! We chatted about Learn, Build, Teach, the community run by James and Amy and how community shapes what we do, how we teach, and how we learn. It is a little dated, but the conversation is always top notch with James and Amy. Transcripts are at https://toddl.dev/podcast/transcripts/compressedfm
Show Notes:
https://www.learnbuildteach.com/ - Learn, Build, Teach Discord
https://www.learnwithredwood.com/ - Amy's Redwood Course
https://astrocourse.dev/ - James's Astro Course
https://appwrite.io/ - Appwrite
https://jestjs.io/ - Jest
https://vitest.dev/ - Vitest
https://xata.io/ - Xata
https://www.magnoliajs.com/ - MagnoliaJS Conference
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