DiscoverRotten Mango#373: Burning Sun’s K-Pop Idols Released From Prison - Now Trying To Make Comeback & Open New Club
#373: Burning Sun’s K-Pop Idols Released From Prison - Now Trying To Make Comeback & Open New Club

#373: Burning Sun’s K-Pop Idols Released From Prison - Now Trying To Make Comeback & Open New Club

Update: 2024-07-073


This episode of Rotten Mangle Podcast concludes the investigation into the Burning Sun scandal, focusing on the tragic deaths of K-pop idols Sulli and Goo Hara. The episode details Sulli's experiences with cyberbullying and her desire to attend university, highlighting the immense pressure and mental health struggles faced by K-pop idols. The episode then delves into Goo Hara's emotional distress following Sulli's death, her own struggles with cyberbullying, and her involvement in the Burning Sun investigation. The episode examines the legal proceedings surrounding Goo Hara's ex-boyfriend, CJ, and the questionable actions of the judge presiding over the case. The episode also explores the reactions of various individuals, including a professor who blamed Goo Hara's death on her lack of mental strength, and the subsequent backlash he received. The episode concludes by discussing the aftermath of the scandal, including the release of the individuals involved, their attempts to return to the industry, and the ongoing conversation about the systemic issues within the K-pop industry.



This Chapter introduces the episode's topic, the Burning Sun scandal, and provides a brief overview of the case's background and key players.

Recap of Burning Sun Parts 1 & 2

This Chapter provides a recap of the previous two episodes of the Burning Sun series, highlighting the key events and individuals involved, including the club's operations, the initial whistleblower, and the five women who ultimately exposed the scandal.

Timeline of Events: 2015-2019

This Chapter presents a detailed timeline of events leading up to the Burning Sun scandal, starting in 2015 and culminating in the arrests and deaths of key individuals. The chapter highlights the controversies surrounding Sulli and Goo Hara, the illegal activities of Seungri, and the systemic issues within the K-pop industry.

The Aftermath and Legacy

This Chapter examines the aftermath of the Burning Sun scandal, including the trials and sentencing of the individuals involved, the impact on the K-pop industry, and the ongoing conversation about mental health and systemic issues.

Sulli's Death and Cyberbullying

This Chapter explores the impact of Sulli's death on the Burning Sun scandal and the revelation of the relentless cyberbullying she faced. It highlights her kindheartedness in dropping charges against a malicious commenter and her desire to attend university despite the pressures of her career.

Goo Hara's Emotional Distress

This Chapter focuses on Goo Hara's emotional response to Sulli's death, her own struggles with cyberbullying, and her involvement in the Burning Sun investigation. It details her heartbreaking Instagram livestream and the subsequent support and criticism she received.

The Legal Proceedings and Questionable Actions

This Chapter examines the legal proceedings surrounding Goo Hara's ex-boyfriend, CJ, and the questionable actions of the judge presiding over the case. It highlights the judge's demand to view intimate videos of Goo Hara and his decision to watch them alone in his chambers, raising concerns about retraumatization and the justice system's treatment of victims.

The Professor's Blaming and Backlash

This Chapter explores the reactions of various individuals to Goo Hara's death, particularly a professor who blamed her death on her lack of mental strength and the subsequent backlash he received. It highlights the harmful and insensitive nature of his comments and the importance of understanding the complexities of mental health.

The Aftermath and Attempts to Return

This Chapter discusses the aftermath of the scandal, including the release of the individuals involved, their attempts to return to the industry, and the ongoing conversation about the systemic issues within the K-pop industry. It examines the actions of Seungri, J.J.Y., and Choi, highlighting their attempts to rebuild their careers and the public's reaction to their actions.

The Double Standard and Ongoing Impact

This Chapter explores the double standard within the K-pop industry, highlighting the contrasting treatment of Sulli and J.J.Y. It examines the criticism Sulli faced for her actions, while J.J.Y. was praised for his artistic expression, despite their similar actions. The chapter also discusses the ongoing impact of the scandal, including the continued support for the individuals involved and the need for greater accountability and change within the industry.

The Aftermath of Goo Hara's Death

This Chapter focuses on the aftermath of Goo Hara's death, including the continued legal battles surrounding her ex-boyfriend, CJ, and the burglary of her home. It highlights the questionable actions of CJ, his attempts to sue netizens for defamation, and the ongoing mystery surrounding the theft of her safe.

The Strange Woman at the Funeral

This Chapter explores the strange behavior of Goo Hara's mother at her funeral, highlighting her lack of involvement in her daughter's life and her apparent interest in her inheritance. It details the uncomfortable interactions she had with other celebrities and the subsequent legal battle over Goo Hara's assets.

The Kuhada Act and Legacy

This Chapter discusses the passing of the Kuhada Act, a law introduced to protect the assets of children who are abandoned or abused by their parents. It highlights the efforts of Goo Hara's brother in establishing a foundation to help single parents and the lasting impact of his sister's legacy.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

This Chapter concludes the episode with final thoughts on the Burning Sun scandal, highlighting the stark contrast between the treatment of the female idols and the male perpetrators. It emphasizes the need for greater awareness of the systemic issues within the K-pop industry and the importance of protecting artists from exploitation and abuse.


Burning Sun

Burning Sun was a nightclub in Seoul, South Korea, that became the center of a major K-pop scandal in 2018 and 2019. The club was accused of various crimes, including sexual assault, drug use, and tax evasion, and its operations were linked to several high-profile K-pop idols.


Sulli was a South Korean singer and actress who debuted as a member of the girl group f(x). She was known for her outspoken personality and her willingness to challenge societal norms. She was the victim of intense cyberbullying and harassment throughout her career, and she died by suicide in 2019.

Goo Hara

Goo Hara was a South Korean singer and actress who debuted as a member of the girl group Kara. She was also the victim of intense cyberbullying and harassment throughout her career, and she died by suicide in 2019.


K-pop is a genre of popular music originating in South Korea. It is characterized by its catchy melodies, elaborate choreography, and strong emphasis on visual presentation. K-pop has become a global phenomenon, with a large and dedicated fanbase worldwide.


Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that takes place online. It can include sending mean or threatening messages, posting embarrassing photos or videos, spreading rumors, and impersonating someone online. Cyberbullying can have a devastating impact on victims' mental health and well-being.

Mental Health

Mental health refers to a person's emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It is important to prioritize mental health and seek help if you are struggling. There are many resources available to support mental health, including therapy, medication, and support groups.


Seungri is a former member of the South Korean boy band Big Bang. He was one of the co-directors of Burning Sun and was accused of various crimes, including sexual assault, drug use, and tax evasion. He was sentenced to five years in prison in 2020.


J.J.Y. is a former member of the South Korean rock band Drug Island. He was accused of sexual assault, drug use, and sharing explicit videos of women without their consent. He was sentenced to five years in prison in 2019.


Choi is a former member of the South Korean rock band FT Island. He was accused of sexual assault and sharing explicit videos of women without their consent. He was sentenced to five years in prison in 2019.


Misogyny is the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. It can manifest in various ways, including sexism, violence against women, and the objectification of women.


  • What were the main controversies surrounding Sulli and Goo Hara?

    Sulli and Goo Hara faced intense cyberbullying and harassment throughout their careers for their personal choices, including their relationships, their fashion choices, and their outspoken personalities. They were often criticized and ridiculed for not conforming to traditional Korean beauty standards and for challenging societal norms.

  • What systemic issues within the K-pop industry contributed to the mental health struggles of Sulli and Goo Hara?

    The K-pop industry is known for its intense pressure on idols to maintain a perfect image, the lack of support from agencies, and the pervasive culture of misogyny and victim-blaming. These factors can contribute to mental health struggles, including anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

  • What was the outcome of the Burning Sun scandal?

    The Burning Sun scandal resulted in the arrests and convictions of several individuals, including Seungri, J.J.Y., and Choi. The scandal also led to a greater awareness of the systemic issues within the K-pop industry and the need for greater accountability and change.

  • What lessons can be learned from the Burning Sun scandal?

    The Burning Sun scandal highlights the importance of addressing systemic issues within the entertainment industry, including the need for greater protection for artists, the need to combat cyberbullying and harassment, and the need to prioritize mental health and well-being.

  • What were the questionable actions of the judge presiding over Goo Hara's ex-boyfriend's case?

    The judge demanded to view intimate videos of Goo Hara in order to determine if she had consented to their creation. He then decided to watch the videos alone in his chambers, raising concerns about retraumatization and the justice system's treatment of victims.

  • What was the reaction to the professor who blamed Goo Hara's death on her lack of mental strength?

    The professor's comments were met with widespread backlash and criticism. Many people condemned his insensitive and harmful remarks, highlighting the importance of understanding the complexities of mental health and the need for compassion and empathy.

  • What were the attempts of the individuals involved in the Burning Sun scandal to return to the industry?

    Seungri has been spotted going clubbing, while J.J.Y. has been trying to return to the music industry as a producer. Choi has also attempted to make a comeback, joining a Japanese fan community platform. These attempts have been met with mixed reactions from the public, with some expressing support and others condemning their actions.

  • What was the double standard within the K-pop industry highlighted in the episode?

    The episode highlights the contrasting treatment of Sulli and J.J.Y., both of whom engaged in similar actions. Sulli was heavily criticized for her actions, while J.J.Y. was praised for his artistic expression, demonstrating the double standard that exists within the industry.

  • What was the aftermath of Goo Hara's death, including the legal battles and the burglary of her home?

    Goo Hara's ex-boyfriend, CJ, was sentenced to a year in prison after appealing his initial acquittal. He also sued several netizens for defamation. Additionally, her home was burglarized, with the thief stealing her safe, which is believed to have contained evidence related to the Burning Sun scandal.

  • What was the strange behavior of Goo Hara's mother at her funeral?

    Goo Hara's mother, who had been estranged from her daughter for most of her life, appeared at her funeral and acted in a way that was considered inappropriate. She requested photos with other celebrities and seemed more interested in her daughter's inheritance than in mourning her death.

Show Notes

The police had a strange situation on their hands.

A thief had broken into a multi-million dollar home - to steal a safe.

The safe had 3 items in it.


Investment documents.

And the home owner’s old phones.

The police were able to quickly determine that the thief did not want the jewelry or the investment documents in the safe. Which means - the thief is going after the home owner’s old phones.

Why would a thief want some old phones? Was there something on there that they didn’t want anyone else to see?

But most puzzling is - who would do this to Goo Hara?

The home belonged to a k-pop idol who had just died just 49 days ago.

What did they want from her safe?

And how does this connect to the Burning Sun case?

Full Source Notes:

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#373: Burning Sun’s K-Pop Idols Released From Prison - Now Trying To Make Comeback & Open New Club

#373: Burning Sun’s K-Pop Idols Released From Prison - Now Trying To Make Comeback & Open New Club

Stephanie Soo & Ramble