DiscoverRotten Mango#376: Most “Mentally Insane” Family In America- Six Schizophrenic Brothers
#376: Most “Mentally Insane” Family In America- Six Schizophrenic Brothers

#376: Most “Mentally Insane” Family In America- Six Schizophrenic Brothers

Update: 2024-07-219


This podcast delves into the story of the Galvin family, a middle-class family with 12 children, six of whom were diagnosed with schizophrenia. The narrative focuses on the family's dynamics, particularly the relationship between Donald, the oldest son, and his sister Lindsay. The podcast explores the family's history, including their social standing, their challenges, and the impact of schizophrenia on their lives. It also delves into the history of schizophrenia research, highlighting different theories about its causes and treatment. The podcast examines the experiences of individual family members, including Donald's mental breakdown, Jim's abusive behavior, and Margaret's escape from the family's turmoil. It also explores the role of environmental triggers, such as sexual abuse, in the development of schizophrenia. The podcast concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding and compassion for people with schizophrenia, highlighting their humanity and desire for normalcy.


The Galvin Family and Schizophrenia

This chapter introduces the Galvin family, a middle-class family with 12 children, six of whom were diagnosed with schizophrenia. The story focuses on the family's dynamics, particularly the relationship between Donald, the oldest son, and his sister Lindsay. The chapter also explores the family's history, including their social standing, their challenges, and the impact of schizophrenia on their lives.

The Galvan Family Trust and Sponsors

This chapter discusses the Galvan family trust and its mission to support the last two Galvan brothers affected by schizophrenia. The episode's sponsors have made it possible to support the trust and Rotten Mingo's growing team.

Research and Disclaimers

This chapter provides information about the research sources used for the episode, including the book "Hidden Valley Road" by Robert Kolker. It also includes disclaimers about the content, mentioning topics such as self-harm, grooming, and incestuous sexual abuse.

Lindsay's Story and the Family's Secrets

This chapter delves into Lindsay's experiences growing up in the Galvin household. She describes the strange and often disturbing events that occurred, including her brother Donald's erratic behavior and the family's lack of communication about these incidents.

The Ticking Time Bomb: Fear and Tension in the Galvin Home

This chapter explores the atmosphere of tension and fear within the Galvin home. The narrator describes the constant anxiety of the family members, always wondering who would be the next to experience a mental breakdown.

Mimi Galvan: The Mother of 12

This chapter focuses on Mimi Galvan, the mother of 12 children. The narrator discusses the challenges she faced raising such a large family, including her health issues and the pressure she felt to maintain a perfect family image.

Mimi and Don's Relationship: Contrasting Personalities

This chapter explores the relationship between Mimi and Don Galvan, the parents. The narrator describes their contrasting personalities and how their relationship evolved over time, highlighting Don's love for solitude and Mimi's dedication to her family.

Don's Falconry: A Passion for Birds of Prey

This chapter focuses on Don's passion for falconry. The narrator explains the process of training falcons and how Don's involvement in falconry led him to become a prominent figure in the military world.

The Galvan Family's Social Standing and Connections

This chapter discusses the Galvan family's social standing. The narrator explains how their prestigious connections, despite their middle-class status, allowed them to interact with wealthy and influential individuals.

The Galvan Family's Challenges: Fighting and Chaos

This chapter explores the challenges faced by the Galvin family, particularly the constant fighting among the brothers. The narrator describes the parents' attempts to address the situation and the impact of the chaotic environment on the children.

Donald's Breakdown: Self-Harm and Mental Health Struggles

This chapter marks the beginning of Donald's mental health struggles. The narrator describes his self-harm incidents, including setting himself on fire and attempting to strangle himself.

Donald's Therapy: Disturbing Revelations and Self-Destructive Behaviors

This chapter focuses on Donald's therapy sessions. The narrator describes his disturbing revelations, including his fantasies of violence and his self-destructive behaviors.

The Importance of Therapist Expression: Validating Patient Experiences

This chapter discusses the importance of therapists expressing emotions in response to their patients' stories. The narrator explains how a therapist's emotional response can help validate a patient's experiences and facilitate healing.

Donald's Hospitalization: Difficult Decisions and Potential Consequences

This chapter describes Donald's hospitalization after his mental breakdown. The narrator explores the difficult decisions faced by his parents, Mimi and Don, and the potential consequences of hospitalization for Donald and the rest of the family.

Schizophrenia: A Complex Disorder

This chapter provides an overview of schizophrenia, a complex mental disorder that affects one in every 100,000 people. The narrator discusses the symptoms, causes, and challenges of treating schizophrenia.

The History of Schizophrenia Research: Theories and Debates

This chapter delves into the history of schizophrenia research, highlighting the different theories that have emerged over time. The narrator discusses the debate between genetic and environmental factors and the impact of early research on the understanding and treatment of the disorder.

Daniel Paul Schreiber: A Case Study in Schizophrenia

This chapter introduces Daniel Paul Schreiber, a man who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 51. The narrator discusses his book "My Nervous Illness" and the insights it provided into the experience of schizophrenia.

Freud's Theory of Schizophrenia: Unconscious Fears and Desires

This chapter explores Sigmund Freud's theory of schizophrenia, which he developed after reading Daniel Paul Schreiber's book. The narrator explains Freud's belief that schizophrenia is caused by unconscious fears and desires stemming from childhood experiences.

The Quadruplet Study: Shifting the Focus to Genetics

This chapter discusses a groundbreaking study conducted on a set of quadruplets all diagnosed with schizophrenia. The narrator explains how this case study helped shift the focus of schizophrenia research towards investigating the genetic factors of the disorder.

Donald's Inkblot Test: Connecting Experiences and Images

This chapter describes Donald's inkblot test, a psychological assessment used to gain insight into a person's psyche. The narrator highlights the connections Donald draws between his real-life experiences and the images he sees in the inkblots.

Donald's Marriage: Challenges and Identity Struggles

This chapter focuses on Donald's marriage to Gene. The narrator discusses the challenges they faced, including Gene's reluctance to have children and Donald's struggle to maintain his identity.

Donald's Arrest: Attempted Murder and Family Impact

This chapter describes Donald's arrest after he attempted to kill his wife, Gene. The narrator explores the events leading up to his arrest and the impact of his actions on his family and his therapist.

Donald's Disturbing Behavior: Animal Cruelty and Baffled Therapists

Donald, the oldest Galvan sibling, exhibits disturbing behavior, including torturing and killing animals. Dr. Patterson is baffled by this sudden change, as his observations don't align with Donald's previous behavior.

The Galvan Family and Schizophrenia: Research and Genetic Markers

The Galvan family becomes the subject of research by Dr. Delisee and Dr. Friedman, who investigate the possibility of a genetic component to schizophrenia. They study the siblings' blood samples and genetics, seeking a marker for the disorder.

The Galvan Family Dynamics: Strict Rules and Perfectionism

The Galvan family consists of Mimi, the mother, Don, the father, and 12 children. The household operates under a strict set of rules, influenced by the father's military background and the mother's Catholic beliefs. Mimi's perfectionist nature and lack of praise contribute to the family's dynamics.

Donald's Schizophrenia and Its Impact: Violence and Delusions

Donald, the oldest son, is the first to be diagnosed with schizophrenia. He experiences severe symptoms, including attempted murder, violence towards his family, and delusional beliefs. His condition significantly impacts the family, causing tension and fear.

Jim's Hatred and Sibling Rivalry: A Lifelong Struggle

Jim, the second oldest brother, harbors intense hatred for Donald, fueled by a lifelong sibling rivalry. He constantly tries to outdo Donald, but his own struggles with anger and aggression lead to his own problems.

Jim's Schizophrenia and Abusive Behavior: Violent Outbursts and Denial

Jim's schizophrenia manifests in his behavior, including violent outbursts, delusional beliefs, and self-harm. His wife, Kathy, witnesses his struggles and attempts to seek help, but his parents seem in denial.

Jim's Abuse of His Sisters: Sexual Assault and Fear

Jim's abuse extends to his younger sisters, Margaret and Lindsay. He sexually assaults them, exploiting their trust and vulnerability. The girls struggle to understand and cope with the abuse, fearing for their safety and feeling trapped in a difficult situation.

Margaret's Escape and Guilt: Finding Refuge and Questioning Belonging

Margaret, one of the abused sisters, finds refuge with a wealthy family friend, escaping the turmoil of her family. She experiences a sense of guilt and isolation, feeling like she doesn't belong in her new environment and questioning her family's love for her.

John's Escape Through Music: Finding Solace and Recognition

John, the third oldest brother, finds solace in classical music, seeking refuge from the family's chaos. His father disapproves of his passion, but John eventually becomes a music teacher. Despite his father's initial disapproval, John is later recognized as the "best of the litter."

Brian's Schizophrenia and Tragic End: Dark Thoughts and Suicide

Brian, the fourth oldest brother, exhibits signs of schizophrenia, including dark thoughts and a fascination with death. He eventually takes his own life after killing his girlfriend, Lorelai Smith.

The Hockey Brothers: A Close-Knit Unit Amidst Tragedy

The youngest four brothers, known as the "hockey brothers," form a close-knit unit within the family. They share a passion for sports and generally get along well. However, their lives are also marked by tragedy and mental illness.

Matthew's Brain Injury and Schizophrenia: A Backflip Accident and Delusions

Matthew, one of the hockey brothers, suffers a severe brain injury after a backflip accident. While he initially recovers, he later experiences a psychotic break and is diagnosed with schizophrenia. He develops delusional beliefs, including believing he is Paul McCartney.

Joe's Schizophrenia and Hallucinations: Awareness and Struggle

Joe, the oldest of the hockey brothers, experiences schizophrenia, characterized by hallucinations and delusional beliefs. He is aware of his condition and struggles with the symptoms, seeking relief from his hallucinations.

Peter's Schizophrenia and Shock Therapy: Violent Behavior and Hospitalization

Peter, the youngest of the hockey brothers, develops schizophrenia after witnessing his father's stroke. He exhibits violent behavior and delusional beliefs, leading to hospitalization and shock therapy.

Mark's Isolation and Grief: The Only Brother Without Schizophrenia

Mark, the only hockey brother without schizophrenia, feels isolated and burdened by the mental illness of his brothers. He grieves their loss of connection and struggles to cope with their altered state.

The Role of Sexual Abuse: Environmental Triggers and Allegations

The podcast explores the possibility of sexual abuse as an environmental trigger for schizophrenia in some of the Galvan brothers. It is revealed that several brothers were allegedly abused by a priest, Father Freudy, and possibly by Jim.

The Galvan Family's Legacy: Guilt, Grief, and Lack of Answers

The Galvan family's story highlights the devastating impact of schizophrenia on individuals and families. The siblings grapple with guilt, grief, and the lack of definitive answers regarding the causes of their brothers' mental illness.

Lindsay's Perspective and Hope: Caretaker and Advocate

Lindsay, the youngest daughter, becomes the caretaker for her brothers, providing support and understanding. She challenges the perception of people with schizophrenia, emphasizing their humanity and desire for normalcy.



A chronic mental disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and trouble with thinking. It typically presents itself in late teens or early 20s, with women showing signs in their 20s and early 30s.

Galvin Family

A middle-class family with 12 children, six of whom were diagnosed with schizophrenia. The family's story highlights the challenges of living with mental illness and the impact it can have on family dynamics.

Donald Galvin

The oldest son of the Galvin family, Donald was a star athlete and student but experienced a mental breakdown in his early 20s. His story illustrates the complexities of schizophrenia and the struggle to find effective treatment.

Mimi Galvan

The mother of 12 children, Mimi faced numerous challenges raising her large family, including her own health issues and the pressure to maintain a perfect family image. Her story highlights the resilience of mothers and the sacrifices they make for their children.

Don Galvan

The father of 12 children, Don was a falconer and a prominent figure in the military world. His love for solitude and his dedication to his work created tension in his relationship with Mimi.


The art of training falcons and other birds of prey for hunting. Don's passion for falconry led him to become a respected figure in the military community and provided him with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Hidden Valley Road

The name of the road where the Galvin family lived and the title of a book by Robert Kolker that tells their story. The book provides a detailed account of the family's experiences with schizophrenia and the challenges they faced.

Daniel Paul Schreiber

A man who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 51. His book "My Nervous Illness" provided valuable insights into the experience of schizophrenia and sparked debate about its causes and treatment.

Sigmund Freud

A renowned psychoanalyst who developed a theory of schizophrenia based on his interpretation of Daniel Paul Schreiber's book. Freud believed that schizophrenia was caused by unconscious fears and desires stemming from childhood experiences.


  • What are some of the symptoms of schizophrenia?

    Schizophrenia is characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and trouble with thinking. More subtle signs include troubled relationships, poor school performance, and reduced motivation.

  • What are the different theories about the causes of schizophrenia?

    Some researchers believe schizophrenia is purely genetic, while others believe it is purely environmental. A third group believes it is a combination of both.

  • How did the Galvin family's story contribute to the understanding of schizophrenia?

    The Galvin family's story, particularly the case of Donald, highlighted the complexities of schizophrenia and the challenges of finding effective treatment. It also raised questions about the role of genetics and environment in the development of the disorder.

  • What was Sigmund Freud's theory of schizophrenia?

    Freud believed that schizophrenia was caused by unconscious fears and desires stemming from childhood experiences, particularly the fear of castration and repressed homosexual desires.

  • How did the quadruplet study impact schizophrenia research?

    The study of the quadruplets, all diagnosed with schizophrenia, provided strong evidence for a genetic component to the disorder. This shifted the focus of research towards investigating the genetic factors of schizophrenia.

  • What are the main themes explored in the podcast?

    The podcast explores the devastating impact of schizophrenia on individuals and families, the complexities of mental illness, the role of environmental triggers, and the importance of understanding and compassion for those affected.

  • What are some of the environmental triggers that may have contributed to schizophrenia in the Galvan brothers?

    The podcast suggests that sexual abuse by a priest, Father Freudy, and possibly by Jim, may have been environmental triggers for schizophrenia in some of the brothers. Other factors include the family's strict rules, the mother's perfectionism, and the father's absence and infidelity.

  • How does the podcast challenge the perception of people with schizophrenia?

    The podcast highlights the humanity of people with schizophrenia, emphasizing that they are not simply violent or evil. It shows that they experience a range of emotions, have their own minds, and desire normalcy.

  • What is the significance of the Galvan family's story?

    The Galvan family's story provides a powerful and heartbreaking glimpse into the realities of schizophrenia and its impact on families. It raises awareness about the disorder, challenges misconceptions, and underscores the need for better understanding and support for those affected.

Show Notes

7-year-old Mary Galvin has plans to kill her older brother. The way he roams around town with that empty gaze. The way their parents refuse to talk about his behavior. It was all going to end.

Mary had her older brother, Donald Galvin, tied to a tree as she gathers sticks to pile at his feet. He is a witch about to be burnt at the stake.

Donald is more than happy to play along. In the end, Mary backs out of her plan to kill him—she didn’t bring matches along and by the time she realizes what she’s really doing—she’s sprinting away like it never happened. Donald is fine either way. If she had gone through with it he would’ve happily died right then and there because to him, Mary is more than just his little sister.

She is the Virgin Mary. The Mother of Christ himself—and it makes sense—because they’re not even real siblings. Donald had been switched at birth and his real mother is actually an octopus.

This is the story of the ‘most mentally disturbed family in America’ (according to one psychiatrist). 12 full blood siblings living in one house. 6 out of the 12 siblings would be diagnosed with schizophrenia. This is the case of the Galvin family.

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Comments (2)


This case was really sad.😞

Aug 6th

Sharon Somers

Proof that some shouldn't have kids.

Jul 30th
In Channel

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#376: Most “Mentally Insane” Family In America- Six Schizophrenic Brothers

#376: Most “Mentally Insane” Family In America- Six Schizophrenic Brothers

Stephanie Soo & Ramble