#38 - The Tech Executive Operating System - Aviv Ben-Yosef
“Tech Capital is about creating something that enables things that weren’t possible before, that genuinely helps the business and enables other people in your organization, and those are the kind of stuffs that eventually end up paying long term."
Aviv Ben-Yosef is an advisor and consultant for tech executives to help them create world-class engineering teams. In this episode, Aviv shared with me in-depth about “The Tech Executive Operating System“, his latest book for first-timers and veteran tech leaders to maximize their leverage, which includes the axioms of tech leadership, producing Tech Capital to drive value vs obsessing about tech debt, shifting the engineers mindset to create impact by adopting “Coders Without Borders“ mentality, moving up the decision stream to increase leverage, how to create impact within the organization, importance of product mastery, and organizational debt. Towards the end, Aviv also explained why we should not forget to put more emphasis on product-oriented engineers, instead of principal engineers who focus solely on just the tech.
Listen out for:
- Career Journey - [00:04:50 ]
- Tech Executive Operating System - [00:08:00 ]
- Why Does the Company Need You - [00:09:40 ]
- Executive Leadership is Long-Term - [00:12:30 ]
- Tech Capital - [00:14:00 ]
- Coders Without Borders - [00:17:49 ]
- First 100 Days - [00:20:43 ]
- Moving Upstream - [00:25:48 ]
- Balancing the Time - [00:32:55 ]
- Management by Walking Around - [00:37:06 ]
- Creating Impact - [00:39:58 ]
- R&D - [00:45:05 ]
- Organizational Debt - [00:51:06 ]
- Conway’s Law and Microservices - [00:54:15 ]
- Product Mastery - [00:55:24 ]
- Product 101 - [00:58:29 ]
- Less Principal Engineers, More Product Engineers - [01:01:39 ]
- 3 Tech Lead Wisdom - [01:03:48 ]
Aviv Ben-Yosef’s Bio
Aviv Ben-Yosef is an advisor, coach, and consultant for executives and leaders throughout the tech industry. In his consulting business, he helps companies worldwide, ranging from day-old startups to Fortune 100 companies.
Aviv’s mission is to help create world-class engineering teams that achieve the unthinkable by upgrading tech from a tool to part of the strategy, amassing Tech Capital, and creating Coders without Borders. In his work as a consultant, Aviv has developed a unique approach to aid software organizations’ leadership. Aviv’s online writing has reached over six million readers, and his publishing includes multiple blogs, podcasts, videos, and online courses. He is the author of The Tech Executive Operating System, a book for first-timers and veteran tech leaders who seek to maximize their leverage.
Follow Aviv:
- Website – https://avivbenyosef.com/
- The Tech Exec Podcast – https://www.techexecpodcast.com/
- LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/avivbenyosef/
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/avivby
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For more info about the episode (including quotes and transcript), visit techleadjournal.dev/episodes/38.