DiscoverThe Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style388: Why Not . . . Become the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Your Own Life and Experience Financial Freedom for the Rest of Your Life? 14 Foundational Pieces
388: Why Not . . .  Become the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Your Own Life and Experience Financial Freedom for the Rest of Your Life? 14 Foundational Pieces

388: Why Not . . . Become the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Your Own Life and Experience Financial Freedom for the Rest of Your Life? 14 Foundational Pieces

Update: 2024-09-18


What I would like to share with you today are 14 foundational pieces that will establish and continue to grow your financial freedom. Whether you work for a boss or work for yourself, I will be sharing how to make your way to financial freedom and also remain financially free once you arrive without being stagnant. In other words, when we are financially free, we now have space, energy and opportunities that we didn't have before. Whether that is creatively because our mind is free to not worry about our finances because we have put into place systems that we trust and know work in our favor, and because we have space mentally, we have more energy to expend on what we love to do instead of what we have to do which leads us to more opportunities crossing our paths because we our present and fully engaged with the moment, bravely being ourselves and dancing with life instead of surviving and just making it through.

Before we explore today's list, I will point out that this is not necessarily the typical list of save more, spend less - thrift, thrift, thrift! I will be sharing with you some examples from my own life that in hindsight demonstrate that playing it 'safe' isn't always a wise move if you want to make the gains (in any respect) that you desire. As well, while yes, we are talking about money, so much of the financial advice we read (but not all - i.e. Deepak Chopra and Kate Northrup along with others) focuses entirely on the logical and mathematical side of how to be financial free, and while that plays a powerful and necessary role - knowing how the monetary world works and basic math regarding interest, etc., there is also a part we cannot know entirely or with certainty and that is why knowing ourselves, living a life of true contentment and being brave enough to find and then embrace our dharma is crucial to remaining financially free.

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388: Why Not . . .  Become the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Your Own Life and Experience Financial Freedom for the Rest of Your Life? 14 Foundational Pieces

388: Why Not . . . Become the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Your Own Life and Experience Financial Freedom for the Rest of Your Life? 14 Foundational Pieces

Shannon Ables