DiscoverIndoctriNation3HO's House of Fallen Cards w/Jules Hartley (From The Archives 2020)
3HO's House of Fallen Cards w/Jules Hartley (From The Archives 2020)

3HO's House of Fallen Cards w/Jules Hartley (From The Archives 2020)

Update: 2025-01-01


This episode from the archives originally aired in 2020

After four successful years of working on TV shows and films in New York City, Jules Hartley thought it would be a good idea for her to move to LA.
A couple of years into her Hollywood journey, she discovered Kundalini yoga as taught specifically by Yogi Bhajan and the Golden Bridge Yoga Studio in Hollywood. She was instantly hooked and began what turned into a seven and a half year stint as a hardcore and fanatical member of what is now The Rama Yoga Institute, 3HO, and their brand of Sikhism.

The yoga and meditation lifestyle given by Yogi Bhajan thus became her entire universe, and within a year or two, she was devoting up to 18 hours a day, to practices that Yogi Bhajan said would ultimately make her life better and get her to "ascend". Jules explains to Rachel why she ultimately ended up leaving Hollywood in 2018, very sick after her experiences, and completely broke as she had given her money over to this group. She details her experiences leaving the intense systemic control of this cultic yoga group and provides insight on her journey to recovery.

Before You Go: Rachel shares her perspective on the results of the 2020 U.S Presidential Election and provides insight into why people who have left cults were so triggered by the US president for the last 4 years and how he behaved, and were so troubled by seeing how many militant hate groups and conspiratorial groups like QAnon felt supported by him.








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3HO's House of Fallen Cards w/Jules Hartley (From The Archives 2020)

3HO's House of Fallen Cards w/Jules Hartley (From The Archives 2020)
