3rd Degree Byrne Episode 92: X-Men Elsewhen #23 & 24
We are back to the Elsewhen Well again.
That’s right! 3rd Degree Byrne is covering a couple more issues of John Byrne’s X-Men Elsewhen Fan fiction for your enjoyment.
See! Multiple George Perez-worthy multi character panels!
Watch! The Minds of Kitty Pryde and Astra as they meld and dance!
Enjoy! The fate of the Alt. X-Men!
Gross out! As Pablo fixes Wolverine’s arms!
Anticipate! An Alpha Flight Storyline!
Listen! To Jean Grey Mansplain her existence!
Marvel! At Astra’s Disco-furry outfit!
Herald! The coming of Alt. Thor and the Warriors Three!
Witness! Gladiator use all of his might!
Gawk! As the X-Men beat up on the Warriors Three! Seriously!
There is so much in these two issues, really a lot to talk about.
So sit back and enjoy as Tim Elliott, Brian Hughes, Kirk Greenfield and John Hyatt continue their coverage of X-Men Elsewhen.
The issues discussed can be found here:
Issue 23
Issue 24
3rd Degree Byrne is proud to be part of the TwoTrueFreaks Internet Radio Network http://twotruefreaks.