4 Lessons From My Dad I Had to Unlearn to Grow My Business
Today we are discussing what we want to say “No, thank you” to our parent or our mentor for. This is especially important to explore if like many of my clients operate family-owned businesses. That means that they either work with family or they bought or inherited a business from a parent or, like 48.1% of entrepreneurs, they had a parent who was a small business owner, or maybe you've had a mentor, that can apply to you too.
It is a great exercise for closure, for healing, and for really stopping some of those intrusive thoughts that plague small business owners today. The narratives play over and over in their head, but you realize it is not your voice that is talking to you. It is distinctly the voice of a parent, of a mentor, of somebody else, and you are carrying around someone else's perspectives, and they are impacting all the decisions you make in your business.
They're getting in your way.
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