#41: Client WIN: How Jamie’s Ads Led to a $2,000 Day
In episode #41 of the Marketing Matters™ podcast, you get to meet Jamie Reyes. Jamie is a mom and expert virtual interior designer. She transforms spaces so that your happiness, productivity, and peacefulness in your home transforms, too.
She attended the Marketing Matters™ Summit, then enrolled in the Marketing Matters™ Program, then upgraded to the VIP experience in the Marketing Matters™ Mastermind.. And now… she’s getting greater than a 5:1 return on her advertising dollars!
I hope her story inspires and encourages you, because you can do this, too.
Connect with Ashley Brock
Instagram: @ads.with.ashley
YouTube: @ads.with.ashley
>> Learn how to WIN with paid ads in the Challenge
Connect with Jamie
Instagram: @jamiereyesdesign
Website: https://www.jamiereyesdesign.com