41: Eurovision Recap

41: Eurovision Recap

Update: 2024-05-14


Mitch and Isi recap their past weeks as Easy English had their first ever meetup, Mitch got nervous, Isi brought the whole family and Nola became the selfie-queen. They then discuss last weekends Eurovision results as Switzerland cleaned up, the UK felt zero (points) love and Germany finally did quite well. They then also describe their excitement at seeing the Northern Lights for the first time, but at the seaside in Brighton... WTF!?

Interactive Transcript

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[0:22 ] Okay, welcome to episode 41 of the Easy English Podcast.


[0:28 ] Do you have a sweet in your mouth during a podcast? That's not cool.


[0:33 ] No.


[0:35 ] People will hate this. Okay, he puts it out. Don't worry. Now it's on your laptop.


[0:42 ] Save it for later. We're back in Britain.


[0:46 ] We're back in Britain.


[0:47 ] How are you all? yet again more grinding of building materials .


[0:53 ] Yeah, do you remember when we told you our building work is coming to an end our building work started again.


[0:58 ] They've started again from day one they do it all over again.


[1:03 ] Wait, we already said they started again didn't we and now they started again again.


[1:06 ] Again again they're working backwards. They're gonna take it back to how it was and then do it all over again but a bit better.


[1:12 ] There's drilling in the background now yay.


[1:14 ] Um today we have three topics for you. Let's do topic number one.


[1:21 ] Topic number one.


[1:22 ] Easy English Updates.


[1:28 ] Easy English Updates.


[1:30 ] When was it? Last week? Yeah, last week.


[1:34 ] Yeah, it was, it's only a week ago. Well, a week and two days. (We had) our first ever Easy English meetup together with Easy German so we did an Easy German and Easy English meetup to meet viewers listeners maybe some some people of you that are listening now. (Oh yeah, can you write if you were there.) Yeah write us a message. (It was in Münster so it was more German-based,obviously.) In my home-town and we met for like three hours i think it's in the end it was much longer than three hours.


[2:12 ] cool venue right called Gasolin. An old gas station or petrol station sorry.


[2:17 ] A bar that I've known for many many years in my life and we met there it was much fun um... (I was nervous.) yeah?


[2:28 ] Yeah, I didn't want to tell you because I don't want to give empathy nerves. I had to drink maybe two beers to feel a bit more like I drank Radler which is like a shandy in English. (Yeah.) Which is a mixture of lemonade and beer and the sugar just made me feel more nervous.


[2:46 ] Oh yeah it's a bit nerve-wracking isn't it because we are just always behind our microphones behind the camera or in front of the camera but on our own doing our stuff.


[2:57 ] Yeah, we're kind of faceless in a way.


[2:59 ] Yeah, and it's really nice to get direct feedback. But we are lacking this really in like our...job. I know you you give sometimes comments on YouTube or here on the podcast or as a member on Patreon. But it would be great to actually have more of a feedback even so actually now I can directly tell you it would be great if you on your podcast app where you're listening um give us a feedback um on most apps you can give rating or even a comment with it um like on Spotify for example you can give a rating and you can also ask questions or give us comments on specific episodes and we would be really really happy to get that because you know when you're doing something and you don't really know what people think of it so it does help us a lot if you give us a feedback so if you could now now now quickly quickly it takes a second go on I mean you are on the app now but see on the app that you can um whatever app you're using, um that you can review and rate our podcast that would really mean a lot a lot thank you very much so now going on with the meetup. Mitch in the meantime had his sweet again in his mouth and again out of it you're like a kid. But it was it was much um it was much fun to meet people. (Yeah, it was. Everyone was so nice.) Yeah everyone was so nice and we had a lot of fun the weather was in the end really good it was not too hot not too cold sun was shining we could sit outside as well it's a good mix wasn't it we had an outside terrace an indoor room that was really cool.


[4:37 ] Yeah, there were there are photos from it as well on uh both our Instagram and Easy German's Instagram if you want to see what a meetup looks like because I would be inclined to do it again.


[4:46 ] Yeah.


[4:47 ] Was quite... was quite nice is the weird thing is is people were there for Easy German mainly. And the thing I felt nervous about was I didn't know who was there for us.


[4:58 ] Yeah we didn't ask that in the registry process So we didn't really know I think a lot of people know us from both because we both I mean I obviously I'm part of the Easy German team as well um but we also both together produce episodes for Easy German sometimes so even Mitch is in the videos of Easy German so I guess people came maybe for both as well.


[5:21 ] Yeah, you should go and watch them because we we sometimes make the videos for the Slow Easy German.


[5:26 ] Or Super Easy German as well yeah.


[5:29 ] Oh, Super Easy German, sorry. Not Slow, Easy German.


[5:31 ] Hasn't been now for a longer time. I think autumn, last autumn was our last episode. But the script for the next one is ready. So also there. But anyway, you might not learn German, but people actually maybe knew us from Both. Did you just put the sweet back in your mouth? Can you not just leave it outside?


[5:50 ] It's made like a weird stain on my laptop. To be honest, actually, people... What was quite nice is Nola was our buffer and people actually... were more interested in meeting Nola from my point of view to be honest. I think Nola had multiple selfies taken with her.


[6:06 ] For her it was actually quite fun as well wasn't it? It was not too loud she could chill outside we had also my dad, I mean both my parents were there um my mum also is part of the Easy German team.


[6:22 ] It was a real family event.


[6:23 ] My dad came well he is also in some videos of Easy German. So we are basically all part of it.


[6:30 ] We've all been dragged in.


[6:31 ] My dad's major role at the meetup was dog sitting. He just walked around with Nola.


[6:36 ] The dog handler. (Yeah.) It was really nice. And actually, I find these things often quite awkward because I hate icebreakers and I hate organised fun. But that people were there for one purpose and were discussing their level, because I'm also learning German. It was quite nice to get inspiration and also find out what people are looking for. I was surprised. A lot of the Germans that were there, their level of English...


[7:03 ] The German learners, you mean?


[7:04 ] There were Germans there who watch Easy German. And they're just like fans of watching it. (Yeah, yeah.) From what I saw. But their level of English surprised me because I always consider that Germans don't need English really. But they were like, it was good to pick up on certain things that I realised that Germans sort of maybe make mistakes on quite commonly. Or, you know, there was a lot of like people saying that their writing skills aren't very good which is something.


[7:27 ] saying Germans can't speak English? (Oh God.) No think every native speaker of a certain language for if you're a German native speaker does specific mistakes in a specific language that you learn that sounds very complicated what I mean is German native speakers make different mistakes in English than Spanish native speakers for example so I think that is actually actually we began a list about that months ago um with the mistakes that I still do and things that I notice or that you notice on how I speak. So um we definitely want to do a video about this like mistakes that German, native speakers do in English.


[8:12 ] Yeah, to be fair... oh actually just remembered Manuel asked... has a question for us.


[8:18 ] Oh yeah.


[8:20 ] That he sent to us at the meetup but we'll do it next next time.


[8:22 ] Okay, Manuel, next time.


[8:23 ] Next time, you'll have to wait. (You'll have to wait.) And to be fair, English speakers also make so many mistakes. And in a fun way, this is what our project is all about because they're not going to change for you, to be honest. So you have to sort of figure out, the common mistakes English people make in order to understand them which is where we come in and if you're not aware we run a membership for Easy English not only for our videos where you can get transcripts and worksheets but also for the podcast, we offer something called an Interactive Transcript and the way it's interactive is; you will press the play button on your phone, on your laptop whether you're at home, or on the train or wherever you are wherever you listen to the podcast and it will follow along with what we're saying on









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41: Eurovision Recap

41: Eurovision Recap

Isi & Mitch