41: Progress, Not A Revolution
Update: 2014-03-27
With Stephen being away this week, Myke and Federico talk about the things they always talk about—music services and video games. More specifically, advancements to iTunes Radio and Facebook buying Oculus.
Links and Show Notes:
With Stephen being away this week, Myke and Federico talk about the things they always talk about—music services and video games. More specifically, advancements to iTunes Radio and Facebook buying Oculus.
Links for this episode:
5by5 | Directional
Twitter / sciwizam: @imyke @ismh @5by5 @viticci ...
Twitter / noyzpollution: @_theprompt 8gb 5c is 4s ...
Twitter / sethclifford: @_theprompt Re: discussions ...
fnd Brings Fast, Convenient iTunes Store Search and Product Pages To The Web - MacStories
Twitter / viticci: Current podcast subscriptions ...
Apple rejects Tank Battle 1942 for depicting Germans & Russians as "enemies" (UPDATED)
Apple removes Sweatshop from App Store; rejects Endgame: Syria a third time | Polygon
Apple - iTunes Radio - Hear where your music takes you.
Apple Adds NPR News Channel To iTunes Radio - MacStories
iOS 8: Apple considers moving iTunes Radio to its own app to boost usage | 9to5Mac
Apple iTunes Radio notches 20M listeners, 1 billion songs - CNET
iTunes Radio overtakes Spotify, gaining on iHeartRadio in U.S. - Apple 2.0 -Fortune Tech
Skrillex - Recess (album) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Facebook buying Oculus VR for $2 billion | The Verge
Facebook to Acquire Oculus -- MENLO PARK, Calif., March 25, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --
Announcing the Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 (DK2) | Oculus Rift - Virtual Reality Headset for 3D Gaming
Mark Zuckerberg - I'm excited to announce that we've agreed to...
The All New Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 (DK2) Virtual Reality Headset | Oculus Rift - Virtual Reality Headset for 3D Gaming
Oculus Rift “DK2” eyes-on: Finally, VR without the Ocu-latency | Ars Technica
John D. Carmack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Introducing: Project Morpheus - PlayStation.Blog.EuropePlayStation.Blog.Europe
Oculus | chris dixon's blog
Twitter / notch: We were in talks about maybe ...
Virtual Reality is going to change the world | notch.net
VR game creators react to Facebook's $2 billion purchase of Oculus | Polygon
Oculus investor says Facebook purchase is like 'Google buying Android in 2005' | The Verge
Oculus VR heads talk Facebook, cheaper retail kits, better hardware and piles of cash | Polygon
Twitter / RussFrushtick: “Oculus has the chance to ...
The Oculus Rift will control the future of VR, and that's just fine by Sony | Polygon
Twitter adds photo tagging to its iPhone and Android apps | The Verge
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