43: The Importance of Body Language While Training with Heather Samper, Moody Gardens and The ABMA
This episode Heather Samper, Moody Gardens and “All Things ABMA”, discusses the importance of body language while training. The first part of the episode focuses on learning to read an animal learner’s body language, how to implement that into your sessions, and the benefits of being a keen listener of body language. The second portion of the episode focuses on why it is so vital for us as trainers to be cognizant of our own body language. Stay tuned in for two "Training Tales" from Heather! The first is a hilarious story involving a coati and Russian secret service agents (yes, you read that correctly) and the second is an in depth look into search and rescue with Heather’s beagle. For questions or suggestions about the podcast email abc@theabma.org To reach Heather about ABMA related discussions email website@theabma.org or theabma@theabma.org and for items regarding MyTrainingStore.com email info@mytrainingstore.com Let's talk some training and banter about behavior!
2:40 Introduction to Heather Samper
11:35 Why is it important to learn how to read an animal’s body language?
15:50 Implementing the skill of reading body language into training sessions
26:00 Under or Over Threshold
28:25 Universal body language “fundamentals”
37:05 Calm Baseline
41:00 Reinforcing for body language and the benefits
49:25 Importance of the trainer’s body language
1:00:00 “Training Tales”