44 Cause of fear of needles and needle phobia treatment
Fears can really get in the way when we're trying to do something that the brain sees as scary!
In this episode, we’ll talk about the fear of needles, or what others call “shot fear.” Here, we’ll share how this phobia occurs, what triggers this, and treatments or tips on getting over your needle fear. Stay tuned as we unravel the mystery behind shot fear and help you cope.
Episode Highlights:
- What causes needle phobia?
- What forms of adverse events affect your fear of needles?
- What is a vasovagal response?
- What happens to you when your needle fear sets off?
- How can you treat or what should you do when you have needle phobia?
➡️ Fear of needles exposure treatment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKWcqKzF3HI&t=1s
➡️ Anxiety Reducer Guide: https://bit.ly/anxiety-specialists-arg
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