#45. “台灣人到底在拜什麼?” “ ?” What are the traditional religions in Taiwan? (Level B1-B2)
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What are the most common God and Goddess in Taiwan?
Which God you should pray if you are looking for a partner for marriage
Why do people in Taiwan worship their ancestors like the way they worship the
Check out this episode and find more about the customs of religions in Taiwan
生詞shēngcí (Vocabulary)
1. 宗教 Zōngjiào
2. 多元duōyuán :diverse
3. 土地公tǔd gōng : God of earth
4. 息息相關xíxíxiāngguān
5. 保佑bǎo yòu
6. 風調雨順fēngtiáoyǔshùn
7. 收成shōuchéng :
8. 財神cáishén : God of fortune
9. 媽祖māzǔ :Goddess of the sea
10. 台灣海峽tái wān hǎi xiá
11. 信仰xìn yǎng : religious belief
12. 功能gōng néng
13. 文昌君wén chāng jūn : god of literature
14. 霞海城隍廟xiá hǎi chéng huáng miào : the name of the Yuelao temple
15. 月老yuè lǎo : the god who unites persons in marriage, matchmaker
16. 有求必應yǒu qiú bìyìng
17. 求qiú: to request
18. 靈驗 língyàn
19. 祖先zǔ xiān
20. 儒家思想rújiā sīxiǎng : Confucianism
21. 孝順xiàoshùn
22. 尊敬zūnjìng
23. 儀式yíshì
24. 飲水思源yǐn shuǐ sī yuán :
25. 源頭yuán tóu
26. 祭如在jì rú zài: worship as if they were alive
27. 代表性dài biǎo xìng
28. 燒香shāo xiāng : burn the incense
29. 紙錢zhǐ qián :paper money (to the god or the dead)
30. 去世qùshì: pass away
31. 連結liánjié
32. 思念sī’niàn
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