#46 The Mental Load of Love: Understanding Caregiver Families Part 2
Daniel and Kelly Crawford continue in a heartfelt dialogue with fellow caregivers Brandon and Amber, delving into the intricacies of raising a child with special needs. We openly discuss the profound impact this journey has on relationships, from the strain it places on marriages to the way it can either weaken or fortify bonds within a community.
We explore the art of seeking and accepting help, the importance of maintaining marital harmony amidst the chaos of caregiving, and the irreplaceable value of a supportive community. This episode offers practical tips for caregivers on how to navigate their relationships, manage emotional burdens, and stay connected with their partners through tools like relationship apps and thoughtful gestures.
If we can serve your family during this season, please email us support@abelspeaks.org or visit our website (www.abelspeaks.org).