DiscoverCoaching for Leaders465: How to Lead a Remote Team, with Susan Gerke
465: How to Lead a Remote Team, with Susan Gerke

465: How to Lead a Remote Team, with Susan Gerke

Update: 2020-04-204


Susan Gerke: GO Team

Susan Gerke has been the president of Gerke Consulting & Development. She has worked with global teams and has certified facilitators around the world to deliver management, leadership, and team offerings. Susan is co-creator of GO Team, a training suite for organizations to power team performance.

Key Points

Out of sight sometimes means out of mind. Perception of communication will be less than you think.

Interactions over the phone/video feel more formal than they do in person, at least at the start.

You don’t find out about things virtually as quickly as you do face to face.

Figure out how to make space for different kinds of styles and personalities. A virtual environment tends to amplify these differences.

Remember to have expectation setting conversations with family members.

Some people will call you every day and some people won’t ever reach out proactively. That’s normal — find a pattern that works for each relationship.

Resources Mentioned

GO Team

Survey results: community input on leading/working virtually

Related Episodes

The Four Unique Types of Teams, with Susan Gerke (episode 138)

How to Create Team Guidelines, with Susan Gerke (episode 192)

How to Balance Care and Accountability When Leading Virtually, with Jonathan Raymond (episode 464)

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465: How to Lead a Remote Team, with Susan Gerke

465: How to Lead a Remote Team, with Susan Gerke

Dave Stachowiak with Susan Gerke