48 Hours as an Influencer in Vegas
In today's episode, I'm LIVE from Las Vegas with all the tea on what happens on influencer trips, getting flown out, how brand trips work, the pitfalls of social media, what content performs, dealing with backlash & more!
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7ukk999oid93llEkOdXM1C?si=274b2c7d0acd4d2c
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tall-blonde/id1607691581
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Follow Kaila: https://www.instagram.com/kailawenn/
Welcome to Tall Blonde
Not flirting... Just hot and talking.
Sharing the hard truths on dating, city life, and levelling up to 'it girl' status. Unfiltered stories, straight talk, and lessons learned—so you don’t have to - by Sarah Lauren
Presented by MBHTV