DiscoverSpeech Therapy Private Practice Startup Podcast48. Discipline in Speech Therapy Private Practice
48. Discipline in Speech Therapy Private Practice

48. Discipline in Speech Therapy Private Practice

Update: 2019-04-30


A speech therapy private practice is not always easy or fun and games. Many people suffer from the illusion that business owners are sitting around at the beach on their laptops getting rich while paying employees to do all of the grunt work. This is far from the truth. To be successful in speech therapy private practice, one has to be dedicated, motivated and have serious discipline. Starting, growing and scaling a speech therapy private practice requires hard work, money, elbow grease and late hours but the payoff can be rewarding. In this episode, I discuss the discipline required to make a speech therapy private practice work and discuss some of the challenges along the way!

In this episode:

02:22 – Question from SpeakPipe

03:31 – The Perfect Student

05:05 – Our Second Location

09:50 – Topic = Discipline

11:38 – Retraining your Brain

12:47 – Positive Association

13:50 – Starting TODAY

14:30 – Consistency is the Key


So at an early age I learned the value of a dollar and how to work. And so I really believe those experiences as a child I carried it over into my business life. So these days what it looks like I’m always up at 4:30 I don’t need an alarm. For the last three or four days, I’ve been really excited to get to work I’ve been getting up on my own at about 2:33 a.m. And got there and sit on my hot tub and I do my morning meditation. I drink my carrot juice, beet juice, I do my juicing and then I go to work. Sometimes I’m at this new office getting it ready but I got to do it. If I don’t do it nobody’s going to do it.


Well, Hello everyone you’re listening to the Speech Therapy Private Practice StartUp Podcast. This is episode number 48. My name is Kyle Meades and I’m a Speech Pathologist since 1993. And these podcasts are designed to help you improve your business and your life one Podcast at a time.

Welcome back to the show everyone. Thanks again for all the emails, all the questions and all the SpeakPipes. As of today, we have well over 48,432 listeners to the show and I’m super glad you guys are out there getting good valuable information and you know me, I say it every single time, “Value is what you get in the absence of money” and these podcasts are free for you. So if you wouldn’t mind just go to the Android or iOS platform of your choice and leave some good five star feedback that way other people like you can get the same value that you’re receiving right now.

Now if this is your first episode, welcome and you can just easily go back through all the podcasts and start at episode one and you can hear all the great topics that we have all the way from Accounts Receivable, billing, referrals, there is other information on there about mindset. I mean it’s all on there and if you have any questions at all, all you have to do is just reach out to me at and I’ll do my best to help you. I also received a recent question from SpeakPipe and it was from a gentleman. His name is Michael and he wanted to know about getting contracts and he’s got a business in another state and he’s got some home health going but he also wanted to add another discipline besides speech therapy. He wanted to recently add occupational therapy as well to the mix and he didn’t want to do that in the home and community you wanted to do that more of an outpatient clinical setting. Now again I’m not a lawyer but I did speak to him and I thought the best way to go about this would be maybe just to start another entity another private practice name and get your contracts through a clinic based entity and just start from scratch so that way you can keep your home visits home and then you can run that separate business out of the clinic and just make that a separate tax I.D. and NPI and you can just run everything through that through your contracts and so that was one of my suggestions and again I’m not a lawyer you definitely want to talk to your attorney and make sure these things are working for you in your state in your own unique situation. So that was the advice that I gave.

I also wanted to let you know we have a space for the perfect student and that’s when you fly into Tucson work with me hand in hand and I’ll be more than happy to help you work and set your clinic up and also under unique circumstances I can fly out to your area and help you pick a location for your clinic and all you have to do is just reach out to me and I’ll help you as much as I can. We are accepting new students right now in the All Access Community and you can find that at and I just wanted to say hi to Darla. She is a new member in the All access community and I heard from her in the forum a couple of days ago and she was just working through all the trainings. We just recently had a training yesterday about how to maximize what you currently have because a lot of people right now think that bigger is better and you got to buy all the software and tools and have multiple locations but you’ll be surprised. I spoke to a clinic owner recently who was not doing well financially and they’re losing thousands of dollars today a day over multiple locations so that’s not good. And trying to help that person adjust and readjust working on contracts and things like that.

I wanted to talk to you today about discipline. Discipline is something that I really I’m glad I have because I wouldn’t be in the spot where I am today without a ton of discipline. I’m actually recording this podcast right now in one of our administrative offices at our second location. Currently we are opening up our second location here in Tucson. We just purchased a 7580 square foot building about five to six miles away from our current location. And it’s really exciting because when I first started this business I never dreamed that I would have a building of this size and capacity. I remember I used to see a doctor at this small doctor’s office and he left the state and he was selling his office space and I remember going over there and it was a thousand square feet and I was thinking how I could raise my son at that time. He was about six years old and I was going to try to find out in the back. There was a little woodshed and I was going to try to make that into an apartment and I was going to live and he was going to live in that apartment with me and we were going to live in the back and then I was going to try to rent the front. How I can chop that up and make that three rooms and then right down the street there was a property for sale. And at the time I really didn’t have the money saved up for the down payment.

But I remember I was just trying to find a way to make that happen. And that was about a twelve hundred square foot building. But if I would have gone through with either those two deals I wouldn’t be sitting in this administrative office right now recording this podcast in this 7580 square foot building I mean this thing is huge. It’s gorgeous and again I’m not bragging or boasting. I’m just stating the facts and it’s because of discipline that I am able to sit in this little squeaky chair you might hear a little bit but in record a podcast and let you guys know that this stuff is doable and you can attain what you want to attain if you have the discipline to do it. And we’ve got this gorgeous huge gym. There’s actually three big 600 square feet spaces in one’s gonna be a motor room with single point swings. The other room’s gonna be like an office admin meant for our physical therapy and occupational therapy and assistant rooms and there’s gonna be a rock wall in there and then we’ve got a whole huge 600 square foot kitchen with two refrigerators microwaves, so the OTs can do their feeding and then on the other side and I’ll leave some pictures below this podcast so you guys can see it. We’ve got these big beautiful Speech therapy treatment rooms.

The people before us who own this clinic, it really was designed for children and they put a lot of money into this building. They kind of I think overbuilt the building for the area but they couldn’t sell it for what it was worth because they really overbuilt the building into giving examples moving some tiles the other day because this whole building was rebuilt and constructed in 2016 and they left a lot of paint cans and leftover tiles and carpet tiles and the place ha









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48. Discipline in Speech Therapy Private Practice

48. Discipline in Speech Therapy Private Practice

Kyle Meades