#491: DuckDB and Python: Ducks and Snakes living together
Update: 2024-12-27
Join me for an insightful conversation with Alex Monahan, who works on documentation, tutorials, and training at DuckDB Labs. We explore why DuckDB is gaining momentum among Python and data enthusiasts, from its in-process database design to its blazingly fast, columnar architecture. We also dive into indexing strategies, concurrency considerations, and the fascinating way MotherDuck (the cloud companion to DuckDB) handles large-scale data seamlessly. Don’t miss this chance to learn how a single pip install could totally transform your Python data workflow!
Episode sponsors
Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
Data Citizens Podcast
Talk Python Courses
Episode sponsors
Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
Data Citizens Podcast
Talk Python Courses
Links from the show
Alex on Mastodon: @__Alex__
DuckDB: duckdb.org
MotherDuck: motherduck.com
SQLite: sqlite.org
Moka-Py: github.com
PostgreSQL: www.postgresql.org
MySQL: www.mysql.com
Redis: redis.io
Apache Parquet: parquet.apache.org
Apache Arrow: arrow.apache.org
Pandas: pandas.pydata.org
Polars: pola.rs
Pyodide: pyodide.org
DB-API (PEP 249): peps.python.org/pep-0249
Flask: flask.palletsprojects.com
Gunicorn: gunicorn.org
MinIO: min.io
Amazon S3: aws.amazon.com/s3
Azure Blob Storage: azure.microsoft.com/products/storage
Google Cloud Storage: cloud.google.com/storage
DigitalOcean: www.digitalocean.com
Linode: www.linode.com
Hetzner: www.hetzner.com
BigQuery: cloud.google.com/bigquery
DBT (Data Build Tool): docs.getdbt.com
Mode: mode.com
Hex: hex.tech
Python: www.python.org
Node.js: nodejs.org
Rust: www.rust-lang.org
Go: go.dev
.NET: dotnet.microsoft.com
Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm
--- Stay in touch with us ---
Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube: youtube.com
Talk Python on Bluesky: @talkpython.fm at bsky.app
Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
Michael on Bluesky: @mkennedy.codes at bsky.app
Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy
DuckDB: duckdb.org
MotherDuck: motherduck.com
SQLite: sqlite.org
Moka-Py: github.com
PostgreSQL: www.postgresql.org
MySQL: www.mysql.com
Redis: redis.io
Apache Parquet: parquet.apache.org
Apache Arrow: arrow.apache.org
Pandas: pandas.pydata.org
Polars: pola.rs
Pyodide: pyodide.org
DB-API (PEP 249): peps.python.org/pep-0249
Flask: flask.palletsprojects.com
Gunicorn: gunicorn.org
MinIO: min.io
Amazon S3: aws.amazon.com/s3
Azure Blob Storage: azure.microsoft.com/products/storage
Google Cloud Storage: cloud.google.com/storage
DigitalOcean: www.digitalocean.com
Linode: www.linode.com
Hetzner: www.hetzner.com
BigQuery: cloud.google.com/bigquery
DBT (Data Build Tool): docs.getdbt.com
Mode: mode.com
Hex: hex.tech
Python: www.python.org
Node.js: nodejs.org
Rust: www.rust-lang.org
Go: go.dev
.NET: dotnet.microsoft.com
Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm
--- Stay in touch with us ---
Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube: youtube.com
Talk Python on Bluesky: @talkpython.fm at bsky.app
Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
Michael on Bluesky: @mkennedy.codes at bsky.app
Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy
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